The Hallam MP will tour Autism Plus’s Coleridge Resource Centre in Attercliffe, to see how the charity has introduced new initiatives to support people with autism through the budget cuts.
Mr Clegg will be treated to a performance from members who formed a drama group inspired by the Channel 4 programme Young, Autistic & Stagestruck.
He will also meet staff from partner body Jobsteps Employment Services, who work with people facing greater challenges in securing employment.
Philip Bartey, chief executive of Autism Plus said: “We are delighted to have this opportunity to show Nick Clegg around one of our day centres and for him to see the work we are doing. We believe in empowering our customers, giving them choice and responsibility and getting them involved in the community.”
Source:Â http://www.thestar.co.uk/news/Clegg-to-visit-city-autism.6483081.jp
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