Archive for January 12th, 2011
First Published Thursday, 5 February 2009
Most people remember Delmar Williams from his party-going days. But his first love is classical music. He once hoped to be a professional oboist.
Thousands know Charlotte’s eccentric Delmar Williams, and now he finally knows himself – and why he’s so different
First Published Thursday, 5 February 2009
Cross-posting and offline sharing is permitted and encouraged:
Just a reminder that February 15 is the deadline for submitting
proposals for Autreat 2009.
This is NOT the deadline for registering to attend Autreat.
Registration hasn’t even started yet. (Watch the ANI web site or the
Autreat Information group for a registration announcement in early
March.) This is just the deadline for submitting a proposal to give a
presentation at Autreat.
To submit a proposal, either use the online form at
www.ani.ac/aut09cfp.php , or read the Call for Proposals below, fill
out the information in the “PROPOSALS SHOULD INCLUDE” section, and
send it by email to proposals @ autreat. com (remove spaces).
If you try to use the online form and get a server timeout error, keep
trying. The server gets busy sometimes.
This is the end of the ten-day reminder notice. The remainder of this
post is a repeat of the Call for Proposals that was already posted
before, in case anyone wants to use it for an email submission.
Jim Sinclair jisincla@syr.edu
Coordinator, Autism Network International
Autreat is a retreat-style conference run by Autism Network
International, for autistic people and our families, friends,
supporters, and interested professionals. We are accepting
presentation proposals for Autreat 2009, to be held Monday-Friday,
June 29-July 3, 2009, in Bradford, Pennsylvania (approximately 80
miles from the nearest major airport at Buffalo, New York).
If you want to submit a proposal but you have trouble reading these
instructions and putting your proposal in the requested format,
contact cfp-help @ autreat. com (remove spaces). for help. Send only
plain text messages, with no attachments.
Autreat is very different from typical autism conferences:
Parents and professionals do attend, and most who attend find the
presentations to be of interest, but Autreat is basically autistic
Be sure your information is being presented in a manner that is both
helpful to and respectful of autistic people.
We expect that you will be speaking *to* us, not speaking to
non-autistic people *about* us.
We are interested in presentations, by either autistic or non-autistic
people, about POSITIVE WAYS OF LIVING WITH AUTISM, about functioning
as autistic people in a neurotypical world, and about the disability
movement and its significance for autistic people.
We are interested in educational and informative presentations, not in
sales pitches for a presenter’s products or services. If you are
representing a commercial enterprise and would like a forum to sell
products or services at Autreat, please contact us for information
about attending Autreat as a vendor.
We are *not* interested in presentations about how to cure, prevent,
or overcome autism.
We do *not* appreciate having non-autistic people come into our space
to talk to each other about how difficult we are to deal with, or how
heroic they are for putting up with us.
If your presentation is geared toward the interests of parents or
professionals, it should focus on positive ways of appreciating and
supporting autistic people, not on reinforcing negative attitudes
about autism and autistic people.
Autreat is attended by autistic people who speak and by autistic
people who do not speak;
by autistic people who communicate fluently and by autistic people who
have limited communication;
by autistic people who live independently and by autistic people who
need intensive support with daily living;
by autistic people who have jobs and by autistic people who live on
disability benefits;
by autistic people who are able to present as “socially acceptable”
and by autistic people who require support to help them manage their
by autistic people who have been labeled “high-functioning” and by
autistic people who have been labeled “low-functioning”—including some
autistic people who have had *both* labels, at different times or
under different circumstances.
While it is not expected that any one presentation will be of interest
to each and every autistic person, we do look for presentations that
will appeal to the widest possible audience.
We are *not* interested in presentations that reinforce what we
consider to be artificial distinctions between members of our
community who are labeled “low-” vs.”high-functioning.”
Be aware that everyone at Autreat either knows what it’s like to be
autistic, or knows what it’s like to care about someone who is
All of us have our own personal stories. Presentations about the
presenters’ personal stories are not going to generate much interest,
unless you’re able to use your story in a way that will help other
people to share and understand their own experiences in a new way.
Your proposal should describe what participants can expect to get out
of your presentation, not just what personal experiences you’re going
to talk about.
If you have never attended Autreat before, please review the ANI web
site (www.ani.ac) and the past Autreat brochures
(http://www.ani.ac/past-workshops.htm), and contact Jim Sinclair
(jisincla @ syr. edu, remove spaces) if you have questions, to make
sure you understand
what Autreat is about and whether your topic is relevant to ANI’s
If you submit a proposal, we expect you to be available to attend
Autreat if we accept your proposal, and to give your presentation on
the day and time scheduled. We make every effort to accommodate
presenters’ preferences in setting the Autreat schedule, but it is not
always possible to give every presenter his or her preferred time
Presenters are expected to send advance copies of any handouts or
slides they plan to use, so that we can prepare alternate format
copies for print-impaired attendees.
Presenters are asked to submit an article on their topic for inclusion
in the program book. These also need to be submitted in a timely
manner, so we can prepare copies in alternate formats.
Presenters are expected to consent for their presentations to be
recorded, and for the recordings to be sold by Autism Network
Presenters are invited to attend all of Autreat. If presenters opt not
to attend the entire event, they are expected to arrive on-site by
8:30 a.m. for afternoon presentations, and to arrive the night before
for morning presentations.
Please be prepared to meet these expectations if you decide to submit
a proposal.
Individual Autreat presenters receive free registration for Autreat,
including on-site meals and lodging in a shared (2-person) room. (A
private room may be available at the presenter’s own expense.) This
free registration is for the presenter *only*, not for a presenter’s
family members or support staff.
In the case of panel presentations consisting of three or more
presenters, we offer one complete four-day Autreat registration, plus
a single-day registration (including three meals and one overnight, if
desired) for each additional panelist. Therefore, a panel of X
presenters is entitled to a total of 4+(X-1) free days/overnights.
Panelists may divide these free days amongst their members as they
wish. Panel presenters are of course welcome to register and stay for
additional days, at their own expense.
ANI is a volunteer-run, member-supported grassroots organization with
minimal funding. We cannot reimburse for off-site expenses, nor can we
pay travel expenses or honoraria. If your proposal is accepted, we
will send you a formal letter of invitation if this would help you in
raising your own travel funds.
Presenters are entitled to receive one free copy of the recording of
their presentations.
* Your name and title (if any) exactly as you want them listed in
program materials should your proposal be accepted
* Contact information (address, phone, fax and/or email if you have them)
* Title of your proposed presentation
* Detailed description for consideration by the Planning Committee
* Brief (5 sentences or less) abstract exactly as you want it listed
in program materials should your proposal be accepted
* Indicate ONE theme that BEST relates to your proposed presentation:
[ ] Advocacy skills
[ ] Life skills/adaptive strategies
[ ] Helpful support services
[ ] Communication
[ ] Social/interpersonal issues
[ ] Personal/self-awareness/self-development issues
[ ] Autistic community and culture
[ ] Education
[ ] Employment
[ ] Family issues
[ ] Residential issues
[ ] Disability rights and politics
[ ] Autism research and theory
[ ] Other (describe):
* Indicate which group(s) you believe would find your proposed
presentation of interest. Check as many as apply. Briefly describe
what your presentation would offer to each group:
[ ] Autistic adults
[ ] Autistic teenagers
[ ] Family members of autistic people
[ ] Educators
[ ] Clinicians
[ ] Service providers
[ ] Other (specify):
* Brief (5 sentences or less) presenter bio exactly as you want it
listed in program materials should your proposal be accepted
* Any audiovisual equipment you would need for your presentation
If you have never presented at Autreat before, please also include an
introduction for the Planning Committee summarizing your relevant
experience, including any presentations or other education/advocacy
activities elsewhere, and the nature of your interest in autism and/or
in general disability issues.
February 15, 2009
Proposals can be submitted via email to proposals@ autreat. com
(remove spaces), or via
postal mail to ANI at the address below, or submitted online at
www.ani.ac/aut09cfp.php .
If you want to make suggestions for Autreat presentations, or make
comments about previous presentations or presenters, please fill out
the questionnaire available at www.ani.ac/autplan2.php.
Autism Network International
P.O. Box 35448
Syracuse NY 13235
First Published Saturday, 7 February 2009

By Elaine Byrne
HUNDREDS of thousands of pounds of taxpayers’ money is being wasted by not having adequate psychology services for adults, claims the executive director of Autism Jersey.
Taxpayers are paying £150,000 a year for every person that has to be placed in a secure unit in the UK because there is no support for them in Jersey, says Philip Le Claire.
Mr Le Claire is calling on the States to urgently address the ‘crisis’ after a suicidal woman with Asperger’s syndrome – an autistic spectrum disorder – was ‘manhandled’ and locked up in a police cell because no one else could help her.
He says that the Health Minister, Senator Jim Perchard, should make a U-turn on a decision not to provide the funding Mr Le Claire says is necessary for the psychology services. He believes that the lack of access to an appropriate adult psychological or counselling service could have a major impact for victims of historic child abuse.
• Mr Le Claire is the subject of the Saturday Interview in today’s Jersey Evening Post
Source: Â http://www.thisisjersey.com/2009/02/07/adult-psychology-service-crisis/
First Published Saturday, 7 February 2009
Disability Funding in Jeopardy – In Senate NOW
Immediate Action Needed
URGENT! Action Needed:
Contact your Senator
JFA is a free service of the American Association of People with
Disabilities (AAPD<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102446930578&e=001OHajd5qR7Ktn66XL6IzmoANrMRm5xVm5LfvDrjk33aXrjU0Gg3CbWQ5CIJ2wZpLFzLeyTdqECUdnay30x9XBICK_dVsLzIW85TV_Ehyp-7E=>
The stimulus bill passed by the House of Representatives contains $13
billion for IDEA, $500 million for Vocational Rehabilitation, and $110
million for Independent Living. A version of that bill is being discussed
in the Senate as I type.
Cuts to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, otherwise known as the
Economic Stimulus bill are being proposed by moderate Democrats and some
Republicans. VR, Independent Living, and IDEA funding are among the items
being proposed for cuts!!
IMMEDIATELY CALL 202-224-3121 and ask for your Senators’ offices and leave
the message below:
“I urge you to keep funding for Vocational Rehabilitation, Independent
Living and IDEA in the Economic Stimulus bill. People with disabilities
deserve the opportunity to benefit from the economic stimulus package. With
EVERY STATE facing looming budget deficits, the funding for these programs
in the Economic Stimulus bill will offset any state budget cuts that would
hurt people with disabilities and also ensure that people with disabilities
are not left behind.”
MODERATOR, Sarah Peterson, JUSTICE FOR ALL — A Service of the American
Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD).
To respond to a JFA email, submit an article, or contact the moderator,
email her at jfa@aapd.com.
DISCLAIMER:* The JFA listserv is designed to share information of interest
to people with disabilities and promote dialogue in the disability
community. Information circulated does not necessarily express the views of
AAPD. The JFA listserv is non-partisan.
JFA ARCHIVES:Â All JFA postings from 1995 through October 2007 are available
the AAPD website. Archives of news and other articles featured on JFA since
October 2007 are available by category and date on the JFActivist
First Published Saturday, 7 February 2009
Poor behaviour in schools in England can be down to a failure to identify special education needs early enough, says a government adviser.
Sir Alan Steer says some schools over-identify special needs, perhaps to exaggerate the school’s difficulties – though some do not identify enough.
Behaviour partnerships with police must increase, and unlawful unofficial exclusions should stop, he says.
Children’s Secretary Ed Balls has said he will accept the recommendations.
Sir Alan Steer’s report is the latest in an ongoing review into bad behaviour in schools ordered by the Department for Children, Schools and Families.
It focuses on behaviour partnerships, behaviour and learning policies, and the link between special educational needs and behaviour.
‘Variation of performance’
Sir Alan says that many schools under or over-estimate the number of pupils with special needs, and that this leads to an incorrect level of provision for these pupils.
“Some schools identify far higher numbers than found in other schools in a similar context,” the report says.
“This might result from a desire to emphasise to the outside world and Ofsted the difficulties the school faces, but over-identification as well as under-identification can be damaging to the children and to good practice in the school.”
Some schools rely too much on “unfocused support from untrained staff”, he adds.
And he says unofficial or informal exclusions should stop, as such exclusions can be particularly harmful to children with special needs.
The DCSF should continue to tackle the issue of the disproportionate number of pupils with special needs who are excluded, he says.
He describes an inconsistent approach towards special needs, but also some good practice.
“It is my view that there are countless examples of exemplary work in our schools,” he said.
“It is also my view that there is too great a degree of variation of performance and that, were we able to reduce this, the effect on children, teachers and schools would be profound,” he said.
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![]() ![]() Children’s Secretary Ed Balls
He will recommend more partnerships between schools to share resources, buy in specialist support and have clear procedures for dealing for challenging pupils who are hard to place.
He says behaviour and attendance partnerships between schools have a positive effect on pupil behaviour, but that they should have a clear focus on early intervention in primary schools to tackle bad behaviour.
Working with a designated police officer is also recommended.
There is a clear link between a high quality of teaching, as well as a consistent behaviour policy, and good standards of behaviour, Sir Alan states.
He therefore recommends schools should have a written policy on learning and teaching, reviewed regularly, to maintain this standard.
Children’s Secretary Ed Balls said he was “committed to helping schools intervene early”.
“We want to make sure that every child, including those with special educational needs, should have the opportunity to reach their full potential and that we intervene early to tackle the barriers to progress so we can keep young people on the right track,” he said.
“We know there is some excellent work going on in our schools to support children with SEN, but teachers have told me they need help in being able to identify children with SEN earlier and quicker,” he added.
Pupils with identified special educational needs are more than nine times as likely to be permanently excluded from schools than other pupils, according to the Department for Children, Schools and Families.
They are more than three times as likely to be persistently absent, the department says.
The National Autistic Society welcomed Sir Alan’s expected emphasis on identifying children’s special needs at an early age.
It said that many children with SEN were failed by the school system as a lack of awareness and understanding could mean they were labelled as “badly-behaved”.
Source: Â http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/education/7873125.stm
First Posted Saturday, 7 February 2009
The Larne company dedicated to helping people with disablilities get into work.
Many times on BBC Newsline we’ve highlighted the problems faced by adults with special needs once they reach 18 and leave school.
On tonight’s Family Focus, Sarah reports on a company in Larne dedicated to helping people with disabilities get into work.
Acceptable Enterprises currently have 30 people on their books, some of whom work full-time and others when they can. These employees carry out jobs for some of our bigger local firms, from packing mail to refurbishing phones.

If you’d like to find out more about Acceptable Enterprises, here’s the link to their website:
First Published Monday, 9 February 2009
Mistaken ideas deter progress on autism
MANILA, Philippines—Society’s, and sometimes their own family’s, averse attitude toward autism remains the “greatest obstacle†to bringing to the fore the rights and needs of a person with the disorder, Commission on Human Rights (CHR) Chair Leila de Lima said Sunday.
“I refer to most families’ penchant for secrecy and their persistent yearning for the appearance of normalcy that at times even border on self-denial… they fear that by exposing their loved ones to society it would make them vulnerable to ridicule and ill-treatment,†De Lima said in a speech following the Angels Walk for Autism at the Mall of Asia in Pasay City.
The annual walk is part of the observance of Autism Consciousness Week which is spearheaded by the Autism Society Philippines.
De Lima, whose 26-year-old son Israel was born with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), opened the CHR last year to persons with disabilities, saying the commission would address their complaints along with the other issues it investigates such as extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances.
“The CHR shall endeavor to meet the diverse needs of people with autism and their families,†De Lima vowed Sunday.
She noted that four core values of human rights laws “are of particular importance in the context of autismâ€â€”the dignity of each individual whose value is based on his or her inherent self-worth; the concept of autonomy or self-determination; equality of all; and the ethic solidarity “which requires society to sustain the freedom of the person with appropriate social supports.”
She said that, as a mother, focusing on “what people with autism are and what they can do†helped her in raising her son.
“I have seen him grow up and become the person he is today, and it gives me unending joy and a sense of fulfillment to know that this artistic, talented and sensitive young man is my own son.
“I, therefore, defy anyone to refer to my son, or to anyone with ASD for that matter, as being less than normal or as autistic or as disabled, or as being afflicted with a disease,†she said.
De Lima said that while families’ fears that their loved one with autism would be ostracized by society “are not unfounded,†secrecy or self-denial “perpetuates the problem, and hinders the progress toward understanding and acceptance.”
“By being obsessed with trying to blend in with the socially typical, the real needs of the most important person in the equation tend to be neglected. The simple truth is that the last thing a child or person with ASD needs is to be treated like any other person. The reality is they have special needs, and to ignore this is to do them a disservice,†De Lima said.
First Published Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Each year, many people seek emergency treatment for unexplained chest pains. A thesis from the Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, indicates several common factors among those affected, including stress at work, anxiety, depression and a sedentary lifestyle.
Chest pain is a common reason for patients to seek emergency treatment. A considerable number of patients are diagnosed with unexplained chest pain, which means that the pain cannot be linked to biomedical factors such as heart disease, or some other illness. The patient group is significant in size but so far researchers have been unable to identify specific causes for unexplained chest pain.
“Many suffer from recurring bouts of pain over several years, while the health care services are unable to find out what’s causing it,” says Registered nurse Annika Janson Fagring, the author of the thesis.
In her thesis, Annika Janson Fagring describes and analyses symptoms among patients with unexplained chest pain. The results show that most of them are middle-aged, and that over a third of those affected were born outside Sweden. The chest pain had a negative impact on the patients’ daily life in the form of tiredness, anxiety and fear of death.
“The main difference between women and men with unexplained chest pain is that men were more likely to perceive their lives and jobs as being stressful, while women tended more to suffer from symptoms of depressions and anxiety,” says Annika Janson Fagring.
The patients, both men and women, experienced more symptoms of depression and anxiety, and work-related stress when compared with a reference group of people who were not suffering from heart disease. The male patients were more physically active in their spare time than the female patients, but compared with the reference group, both the men and the women with unexplained chest pain led a more sedentary lifestyle.
The thesis also looks at the development of symptoms and the prognosis for patients with unexplained chest pain over a period of time, compared with patients suffering from angina and patients who had suffered a heart attack. A register study revealed that from 1987 up until 2000, the number of patients with diagnosed unexplained chest pain increased, and then leveled out. The number of patients with angina increased up until 1994 and has since fallen, while the number of patients who have suffered heart attacks has fallen throughout the whole period examined.
There were fewer deaths among patients with unexplained chest pain a year after they became ill, compared with patients that became ill with angina or suffered heart attacks. Deaths among men a year after falling ill with unexplained chest pain were a third higher compared with men in the rest of the population, while women did not display any increased risk of death.
Annika Janson Fagring says that the thesis shows that it is important to improve knowledge and understanding of the symptoms experienced by patients with unexplained chest pain, in order to be able to offer more individualized care.
Janson Fagring A. Unexplained chest pain in men and women – symptom perception and outcome. Thesis presentation, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg 2009. [Abstract]
Johns Hopkins Health Alert
CPR to the Rescue
Posted in Heart Health on January 30, 2009If you have a friend or loved one with coronary heart disease, you’ll want to know what to do in the event of sudden, cardiac arrest. A study reported in the journal The Lancet compares the benefits of mouth-to-mouth ventilation and chest compressions versus chest compressions alone and their findings may surprise you.
A heart attack typically occurs when a blood clot in a coronary artery completely blocks blood flow to a segment of the heart. When this blockage takes place, portions of the heart muscle are deprived of oxygen and become permanently damaged. Damage to the heart muscle can impair the ability of the heart to pump blood efficiently, which can lead to heart failure. The impaired blood flow can also damage the electrical system of the heart and lead to arrhythmias.
A study reported in The Lancet (Volume 369, page 920) found that victims of cardiac arrest (heart attack) stand a better chance of surviving if a bystander performs only chest compressions and forgoes mouth-to-mouth ventilation.
Japanese researchers found that of 4,068 adults who had a cardiac arrest outside the hospital, those who received chest compressions alone were twice as likely to survive with good brain function 30 days later as those who received standard CPR (22% vs. 10%).
The findings go against the long-held principles of CPR, which combine chest compressions and “rescue breaths.” But they also support what a number of experts have said for years: Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation does little for cardiac arrest victims and may actually dim their already low odds of survival.
What’s more, mouth-to-mouth ventilation is often a barrier to bystanders initiating CPR. Chest compressions are vital to keep blood flowing to and from the heart until medical help arrives; stopping to deliver rescue breaths may impede this blood flow.
Bottom line: Though these study results have spurred calls for revamped CPR recommendations, guidelines from the American Heart Association (AHA) still advise rescue breaths (two breaths after every 30 chest compressions) for all cardiac arrest victims. We advise that you follow the AHA recommendations.
British Heart Foundation – February is National Heart Month:
First Published Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Allowing You Faster Access To Various Countries’ Autism-Specific Web Links & Resources Etc …
COLORADOÂ Â December 9th, 2010 – Includes photos, resources & links from the State of Colorado(Includes Christmas Resources & Articles):
NEW MEXICOÂ Â November 25th, 2010 – Includes photos, resources & links from the State of New Mexico(Includes Thanksgiving Resources & Articles):
ALASKAÂ Â October 21st, 2010 – Includes photos, resources & links from the State of Alaska:
ARIZONAÂ Â October 7th, 2010 – Includes photos, resources & links from the State of Arizona:
UTAHÂ Â September 23rd, 2010 – Includes photos, resources & links from the State of Utah:
NEVADAÂ Â September 9th, 2010 – Includes photos, resources & links from the State of Nevada:
IDAHO Â August 26th, 2010 – Includes photos, resources & links from the State of Idaho:
WASHINGTON Â August 12th, 2010 – Includes photos, resources & links from the State of Washington:
OREGONÂ Â July 29th, 2010 – Includes photos, resources & links from Oregon:
CALIFORNIAÂ Â July 15th, 2010 – Includes photos, resources & links from California:
HAWAIIÂ Â July 1st, 2010 – Includes photos, resources & links from Hawaii:
BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINAÂ Â June 3rd, 2010 – Includes photos, resources & links from Bosnia & Herzegovina:
POLANDÂ Â May 20th, 2010 – Includes photos, resources & links from Poland:
CROATIAÂ Â May 6th, 2010 – Includes photos, resources & links from Croatia:
HUNGARYÂ Â April 22nd, 2010 – Includes photos, resources & links from Hungary:
ROMANIA Â April 8th, 2010 – Includes photos, resources & links from Romania:
SLOVAK REPUBLICÂ Â March 25th, 2010 – Includes photos, resources & links from the Slovak Republic(Additionally includes Easter Links):
CZECH REPUBLIC Â March 4th, 2010 – Includes photos, resources & links from the Czech Republic:
NORWAYÂ Â February 18th, 2010 – Includes photos, resources & links from Norway:
DENMARKÂ Â February 4th, 2010 – Includes photos, resources & links from Denmark:
NETHERLANDS Â January 21st, 2010 – Includes photos, resources & links from The Netherlands:
GERMANYÂ Â January 7th, 2010 – Includes photos, resources & links from Germany:
AUSTRIAÂ Â December 22nd, 2009 – Includes photos, resources & links from Austria:
SERBIAÂ Â December 10th, 2009 – Includes photos, resources & links from Serbia:
BULGARIA Â November 26th, 2009(Thanksgiving Edition) – Includes photos, resources & links from Bulgaria:
MACEDONIA Â November 12th, 2009 – Includes photos, resources & links from Macedonia:
ALBANIAÂ Â October 29th, 2009 – Includes photos, resources & links from Albania:
UKRAINEÂ Â October 15th, 2009 – Includes photos, resources & links from Ukraine:
TURKEYÂ Â October 1st, 2009 – Includes photos, resources & links from Turkey:
SAUDI ARABIAÂ Â September 17th, 2009 – Includes photos, resources & links from Saudi Arabia:
EGYPTÂ Â September 3rd, 2009 – Includes photos, resources & links from Egypt:
LIBYAÂ Â August 20th, 2009 – Includes photos, resources & links from Libya.
Additionally, you’ll find Author Will Hadcroft’s latest interview with RBS World Magazine along with news of Will’s latest installment in the outstanding Anne Droyd series(See Books):
TUNISIAÂ Â August 6th, 2009 – Includes photos, resources & links from Tunisia:
ALGERIAÂ Â July 23rd, 2009 – Includes photos, resources & links from Algeria:
SOUTH AFRICAÂ Â July 9th, 2009 – Includes photos, resources & links from South Africa:
MOROCCO Â June 25th, 2009 – Includes photos, resources & links from Morocco:
PORTUGALÂ Â June 4th, 2009 – Includes photos, resources & links from Portugal:
SPAIN Â May 21st, 2009 – Includes photos, resources & links from Spain:
GREECEÂ Â May 7th, 2009 – Includes photos, resources & links from Greece:
ITALY  April 23rd, 2009 – Includes photos, resources & links from Italy. Special thanks to Carol Surber for sharing her highly acclaimed It’s Ok Eli( See Books Section).:
FRANCE  April 9th, 2009 – Includes photos, resources & links from France. Additionally includes Easter links (eg. art, craft, recipes etc):
UNITED KINGDOMÂ Â March 26th, 2009 – Includes photos, resources & links from the United Kingdom:
IRELANDÂ March 12th, 2009 – Includes photos, resources & links from The Emerald Isle:
PHILIPPINESÂ Â February 26th, 2009 – Includes photos, resources & links from The Philippines:
SINGAPOREÂ Â February 12th, 2009 – Includes photos, resources & links from Singapore:
NEW ZEALANDÂ January 29th, 2009 – Includes New Zealand photos, resources & links:
AUSTRALIAÂ January 15th, 2009 – Includes Australian photos, resources & links:
NEW YORK(USA)Â December 31st, 2008 – Includes New York(USA) photos, resources & links:
SWITZERLANDÂ December 18th, 2008 – Includes Swiss photos, resources & links:
FINLAND December 4th, 2008 – Includes Finnish photos, resources & links. Special Thanks to Eileen Miller for sharing “The Girl Who Spoke with Pictures: Autism Through Art” featuring her daughter, Kim Miller’s stunning illustrations(See Books). View more of Kim’s art in the Art Section:
ICELANDÂ November 20th, 2008 – Includes Icelandic photos, resources & links:
MOLDOVAÂ November 6th, 2008 – Includes Moldovan photos, resources & links:
BELGIUMÂ October 23rd, 2008 -Â Includes Belgian photos, resources & links:
BRAZILÂ October 9th, 2008 -Â Includes Brazilian photos, resources & links:
ISRAELÂ September 25th, 2008 -Â Includes Israeli photos, resources & links:
INDIAÂ September 11th, 2008 – Includes Indian photos, resources & links:
SWEDENÂ August 28th, 2008 – Includes Swedish photos, resources & links:
CHINAÂ August 14th, 2008 – Includes Chinese photos, resources & links:
RUSSIAÂ July 31st, 2008 – Includes Russian photos, resources & links:
JAPANÂ July 17th, 2008 – (*Most Popular Edition To Date)Â Includes Japanese photos, resources & links:
Non-Specific Summer Edition July 3rd, 2008 – Includes “Transitions to Summer Tips”, “Travels Tips(Special Needs) & “Tips for Autistic Children at DisneyWorld” Etc:
Non-Specific June 19th, 2008 – Header Pic of River Elbe:
Non-specific June 5th, 2008 – Includes San Francisco(USA) photos,LEGO’s 50th Anniversary, LEGO/NAS Partnership & Accompanying Websites:
Non-Specific May 22nd, 2008 – Niagara Falls Header Pic. Includes Eric Jiani(Artist), National Geographic Kids Website & Lightning Interactive:
Non-Specific May 8th, 2008 – Koala Header Pic. at Hanging Rock, Australia. Includes NASA’s 50th Anniversary, Professor Stephen Hawking’s Lecture Series, NASA Kid’s Club etc:
Non-Specific April 24th, 2008 – Eiffel Tower Header Pic. Includes Darwin’s Private Papers(Available Online for 1st Time), YouTube video of Bill Gates at his finest …:
Non-Specific April 10th, 2008 – Sydney Harbour Sunrise Header Pic. Includes “The Song of Autism” by Philip Ashton:
Non-Specific March 27th, 2008 – Header Pic entitled “Kangaroo Country”(Australia). Includes news of Specialisterne from Copenhagen, Denmark(We Make A Difference) found in Employment:
November 16th, 2006 – Beautiful “Snowy Deer Crossing” Header Pic:
November 2nd, 2006 – “Balloon Ride” Header Pic:
October 19th, 2006 – “Grand Canale is Burning” Header Pic:
October 5th, 2006 – “Morning Sky, Sydney Beach” Header Pic. Includes NAS “Did You Know?” Statistics, Derek Paravicini (Music) & Jean-Paul Bovee’s “I Have A Dream …”:
September 21st, 2006 – “Apostle Sunset” (12 Apostles, Australia) Header Pic. Â Includes Author Will Hadcroft’s oustanding Books/Sites:
September 7th, 2006 – “A Sydney Beach Shore Scene” Header Pic. Includes “The Stephen Wiltshire Gallery”(Art):
August 21st, 2006 – “Carousel, Sydney” Header Pic. Includes “The Declaration of Interdependence” by Norman Kunc, an American Disability Rights Advocate:
August 11th, 2006 – “Ocean Spray, Sydney” Header Pic. Includes “Autistic Authors Booklist and Facts”:
July 27th, 2006 – “Sydney Harbour Bridge Sunset” Header Pic. Includes “Alex Bain – first autistic to run PEI(Prince Edward Island) Tip to Tip” Report(Sport) & “The Raventones” Website (Music):
July 13th, 2006 – “Australian Rainforest Waterfall” Header Pic. Alex Bain (Tip To Tip) News & “Inspiration in Motion” Award(Sport) & Artisancam Website(Art), one of the world’s leading interactive websites, giving insight into the lives of contemporary visual artists:
June 29th, 2006 – “Lake” Header Pic. Includes “Urville” by Author Gilles Trehin & “Astronomy Picture of the Day”:
June 15th, 2006 – “Greece” Navagio Beach(AKA Shipwreck Beach), Zakyntos Island Pic.
March 9th, 2006 – “Field of Lavender, Australia” Header Pic. Includes Home Schooling Books/Sites(Education):
February 24th, 2006 – “Reflection” Header Pic. Includes Prosopagnosia Guardian report(Research):
First Published Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Today, the Senate will likely pass stimulus legislation that includes
substantial cuts in special education, vocational rehabilitation and other
disability-related spending provisions as compared to the House version.
Afterwards, the Senate and House will reconcile the bills and come up with a
consensus version. This
<http://www.change. org/autisticadvo cacy/actions/ view/support_ a_disability- friendly_ stimulus>action
alert enables you to tell your legislators how important it is to keep
disability spending provisions fully funded as in the House version. Please
utilize it and pass it along to your friends and supporters.
http://www.change. org/autisticadvo cacy/actions/ view/support_ a_disability- friendly_ stimulus
Ari Ne’eman
The Autistic Self Advocacy Network
1660 L Street, NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20036
http://www.autistic advocacy. org