Archive for January 25th, 2011
Research carried out by the University of Warwick in collaboration with the Federico II University Medical School in Naples, Italy, has found that people who sleep for less than six hours each night were 12% more likely to die prematurely than those who get the recommended 6-8 hours.
The study, published today in the journal Sleep, provides unequivocal evidence of the direct link between short duration of sleep (less than 6 hours sleep a night) and an increased chance of dying prematurely.
The research also notes that consistent over long sleeping (over 9 hours a night) can be a cause for concern. While, unlike short sleeping, over long sleeping does not in itself increase the risk of death, it can be a significant marker of an underlying serious and potentially fatal illnesses.
The study looked at the relationship between the level of habitual duration of sleep and mortality by reviewing 16 prospective studies from the UK, USA, European and East Asian countries.
The study included more than 1.3 million participants, followed up for up to 25 years, with more than 100,000 deaths recorded.
The study provides unequivocal evidence of the direct link between both short (less than 6 hours sleep a night) and long (9 hours or more) duration of sleep and an increased chance of dying prematurely, compared to those who sleep 6-8 hours a night on average.
Professor Francesco Cappuccio, leader of the Sleep, Health and Society Programme at the University of Warwick and Consultant Physician at the University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust, said “whilst short sleep may represent a cause of ill-health, long sleep is believed to represent more an indicator of ill-health”.
He said: “Modern society has seen a gradual reduction in the average amount of sleep people take, and this pattern is more common amongst full-time workers, suggesting that it may be due to societal pressures for longer working hours and more shift-work. On the other hand, the deterioration of our health status is often accompanied by an extension of our sleeping time.
“Consistently sleeping 6 to 8 hours per night may be optimal for health. The duration of sleep should be regarded as an additional behavioural risk factor, or risk marker, influenced by the environment and possibly amenable to change through both education and counselling as well as through measures of public health aimed at favourable modifications of the physical and working environments ” Professor Cappuccio added.
More information: Cappuccio FP, D’Elia L, Strazzullo P & Miller MA. Sleep duration and all-cause mortality: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies. Sleep 2010; 33 (5) online.
Provided by University of Warwick (news : web)
Source:Â http://www.physorg.com/news192188436.html
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First Published Thursday 13th January, 2011.
My heart goes out to all who have been affected by the Queensland floods. Many are in shock over the sheer scale of the devastation. Having been born and raised in Brisbane, and with family and friends who are currently directly affected, I am all too familiar with flash floods. Sending my best wishes for the safety of all and of your homes. For those who’ve lost loved ones, my deepest sympathy.
The Queensland Government has set up a Relief Appeal:
For those living in Australia who wish to assist, please phone 1800219028.
Be Safe,
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Reviewed by John M. Grohol, Psy.D. on March 25, 2010
First we learn about sex addiction, now researchers are studying work addiction and how better to measure the disorder.
In a new study, Spanish researchers have developed a new scale for measuring addiction to work.
According to background information, around 12 percent of all working people in Spain suffer from the disorder. The experts say that 8 percent of the working population in Spain devotes more than 12 hours per day to their job.
“Addiction to work is a kind of psychosocial problem that is characterized by two primary features – working excessively and working compulsively,†Mario Del LÃbano, lead author of the paper, said.
The results, published in the Spanish journal Psicothema, not only confirm the two dimensions of workaholism, but also relate the results with psychosocial wellbeing (perceived health and happiness), in order to highlight the negative features of addiction to work in Spain.
“People are only workaholics if, on top of working excessively, they work compulsively in order to reduce anxiety and the feelings of guilt that they get when they’re not working,†Del LÃbano explains.
“This study helps to evaluate addiction along with other phenomena that affect the psychosocial health of workers, without the time taken to fill in the questionnaire having any impact on their motivation,, he adds.
The new scale, called DUWAS (Dutch Work Addiction Scale), has been validated as a result of the criticisms about its validity and reliability made by two evaluation tools that have been most used to date – the WorkBAT (Workaholism Battery) and the WART (Work Addiction Risk Test).
Data on the worldwide prevalence of addiction to work vary from one study to another. It is placed at around 20 percent in countries such as Japan, while in Spain the figures are between 11.3 percent and 12 percent, according to research carried out in 2004 by Sánchez Pardo, Navarro Botella and Valderrama Zurián, and Del LÃbano’s group in 2006, respectively.
The International Labour Organisation (ILO) says that 8 percent of the working population devotes more than 12 hours per day to their profession in order to escape from personal problems. According to the experts, spending more than 50 hours per week working could be a determining factor in addiction.
Addiction to work is characterized by extreme activity in and devotion to work (with people even working outside working hours, at weekends and on holidays), compulsion to work (inability to delegate), disproportionate involvement with work (people relating their self-esteem to their work), and focusing on work to the detriment of their daily lives (poor interpersonal communication).
Some risk factors that can lead to such addiction include financial, family and social pressures; fear of losing one’s job; competition in the labor market; the need to achieve a desired level of success; fear of overbearing, demanding or threatening bosses; high levels of personal work efficiency; and lack of personal affection, with the person trying to make up for this with their work.
In addition, workaholic people can also end up taking illegal substances to help them work harder, enabling them to increase their workplace performance and overcome tiredness and the need for sleep.
Source: Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology
Monday, 10 May 2010
A project providing training for schools and businesses to raise awareness of autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) is to begin in parts of Wales.
Deis Cyfle, which means “opportunity” in Irish and Welsh, aims to provide greater opportunities for autistic school-leavers and job seekers.
The three-year project is a collaboration between Autism Cymru and the Irish Society for Autism.
The scheme will be officially launched at the Senedd on Monday.
Autism Cymru said levels of understanding and awareness about ASD among typical post-school providers such as companies, higher or further education and leisure services were often minimal, and in some cases were misinformed.
The charities have developed a three-day training package and self-evaluation tool, with material tailored for secondary school teachers, further education and leisure providers, and employers.
The project will be run in Gwynedd, Anglesey, Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire, Swansea, Wrexham and Flintshire, and through parts of the Irish Republic.
Read in Full:Â http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/north_east/8670853.stm