Article Date: 17 Dec 2010 – 0:00 PST
Psychological scientists are faced with the arduous task of identifying distinctions between humans without stigmatizing groups of people based on these differences. In this special section of Perspectives on Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, experts present reasons for why differences in gender, race, sexual orientation, and culture should not be framed as deficits within the field of psychology.
- Stigma From Psychological Science: Group Differences, Not Deficits – Introduction to Stigma Special Section
Morton Ann GernsbacherStigma occurs when individuals are devalued by others for having a different trait or attributes. Gernsbacher introduces this special section on stigma within psychological science research by observing that psychological scientists have a tendency to frame individual and group differences as deficits, which enables stigma and may lead to biased interpretations of research data.
- Venus and Mars or Down to Earth: Stereotypes and Realities of Gender Differences
Susan T. FiskePsychological scientists often think in categorical dichotomies, dividing a broad population into two groups – for example, contrasting men and women and exaggerating differences between the genders. Gender entails two fundamental dimensions that characterize intergroup stigma: perceived warmth and perceived competence. These dimensions identify groups that are viewed with ambivalence and they often force trade-offs (e.g., professional women are seen as competent but cold). The dimensions add a more nuanced view of stigma – groups can be stigmatized even if they are viewed positively on one dimension and, by implication, negatively on the other dimensions.
- Sexual Orientation Differences as Deficits: Science and Stigma in the History of American Psychology
Gregory M. HerekFor much of the 20th century, sexual-orientation differences were treated as deficits by Psychology (defined here broadly to include psychiatry and mental health professions), and it wasn’t until 1973 that homosexuality was removed from the DSM. Although Psychology is now dedicated to challenging sexual stigma through research, teaching, and advocacy, the differences-as-deficits assumption is still evident in public debates about sexual orientation and sexual minorities. Psychology still has an important role to play in eliminating sexual stigma, not only by correcting falsely held beliefs but also by addressing the underlying framework that perpetuates stigma.
- I’m White and You’re Not: The Value of Unraveling Ethnocentric Science
James M. JonesResearch that stigmatizes specific human groups is destructive, but there are numerous historical examples of psychological research that was designed to demonstrate the inferiority of Blacks and Native Americans. Many psychological ideas explored in the lab arise from observations and experiences of the scientists themselves – in this way, having diverse scientists and psychology faculty may result in more diverse research being pursued.
Read in Full: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/211611.php