The New York Times has a thought-provoking article on culture and mental illness, arguing that the American view of the disordered mind has been exported around the world and has influenced how other cultures actually experience mental distress.
It’s probably worth saying that none of the examples are solely ‘American’, although clearly it has had a huge influence our ideas about mental illness, despite being reined in on several occasions. Indeed, if mental illness had been truly Americanised, we’d all be living in a Freudian world by now.
Development Of New PsycTESTSâ„¢ Tests And Measures Database
Article Date: 12 Jan 2010 – 3:00 PST
APA announced it has begun development of a new research database for tests and measures to be titled PsycTESTSâ„¢.
With an expected debut in the second half of 2010, the new database will differ from currently available resources, serving as a repository for the full text of unpublished test and measures. PsycTESTS is expected to significantly reduce the incidence of researchers and students recreating tests (and thus duplicating work) when they cannot find one that suits their research.
Psychologists have hailed the development of the new database, saying it will advance the field significantly for all professionals regardless of their specialty. Other important features of the database will include information about the availability of reliability and validity data for each test, links to source documents in PsycINFO® and PsycEXTRA®, links to other records related to each test and to other related research, and much more.
“Because it will make analysis of research results among various experiments much easier, over time data sets will become more useful as a direct result. We are very pleased to be introducing such a monumental tool to the field,” states Gary R. VandenBos, PhD, APA Publisher.
PsycTESTS will build on other APA initiatives such as the APA Testing Office’s extensive web site on tests, built by working closely with several standards groups, and APA’s information for the public on testing issues.
One of the inspirations for the database was the Directory of Unpublished Experimental Mental Measures, edited by Bert A. Goldman and David F. Mitchell. The contents of the 9 volumes, currently only available from APA Books in print, will be included among the electronic records.
The tool will also feature historic documents from the Archives of the History of American Psychology at the University of Akron.
The American Psychological Association
Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Neuroscience Conferences for 2010
Do you want to attend a neurology, neurosurgery, or neuroscience conference this year? In an effort to provide a consolidated webpage, I’ve compiled what I deem the most exhaustive online listing for 2010. I’ve included as many links as possible to official sources/sites with a rough idea of registration fees; however, should I have left something out, please feel free to comment and I’ll be sure to update the list. Only programs conducted in English are included.
Talking About Mental Health – Mental Health In The Media, UK
Mind’s Open Up project is proud to be supporting the free One in Four conference ‘Talking about mental health – getting it right’ – in London on 1 February. One in Four is a national magazine written by people with mental health difficulties. Open Up is supporting them to deliver the conference as part of their Open Up Initiatives Scheme.
The conference will look at the ways in which mental health and wellbeing is represented in the media and think about how we can all get better at discussing it. It bring together professionals, people who experience mental health difficulties, and people with a foot in both camps, to set a new agenda for how the media, companies and public bodies talk about mental health. Speakers and panellists include: Alastair Campbell, former Director of Communications for Tony Blair, journalist and mental health awareness campaigner, Debra Allcock Tyler CEO, Directory of Social Change, Sue Caro, Senior Diversity Manager, BBC, Jacqui Thornton, former Health Editor The Sun, Shaun Crowe, Regional Co-ordinator, London Mental Health and Employment Partnership and Heather Payne, Media Action Worker at South Warwickshire User Forum.
Places must be booked in advance. For more information and to book a place, go to Open Up is part of Time to Change and funded by the Big Lottery Fund.