Take your health into your own hands today!
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- The food you eat
- The exercise you get
- Whether or not you smoke
Heart disease is a core issue in our society’s public debate about our national health. Such public health concerns as the obesity epidemic, accessibility to healthy food, and nutrition education are all forefront in the news recently.
Good luck and here is to a healthy heart and healthy lifestyle!
Resources from Resurrection Health Care
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- Cardiovascular Health – A whole range of heart disease related health topics in our Health Information Library, from cholesterol and high blood pressure to angioplasty and stroke.
- Heart Month Events – our hospitals have a variety of heart health programs during February to take advantage of.
- RSS FeedsCardiac Services – Find out information about cardiac care services at Resurrection Health Care facilities.
- Find a Cardiologist
Disclaimer: When you click on the links below, you will be taken to websites outside Resurrection Health Care. Resurrection Health Care is not responsible for the information presented on the websites below.
Statistical Information
- Heart Disease Fact Sheets – Fact sheets on heart disease related topics such as cholesterol, stroke, high blood pressure, and more.
- Interactive Maps (CDC) – These maps present heart disease and stroke mortality rates, county-by-county, for the state, selected racial/ethnic group, and gender of your choice.
Outside Resources
- American Heart Association Home Page
- Healthy Lifestyle (American Heart Association)
- Health Tools (American Heart Association)
- Beat Your Risk for High Blood Pressure (American Heart Association)
- Smoking and Cardiovascular Disease (American Heart Association)
- Guide to Heart Disease (CDC)
- February is American Heart Month (CDC)
- Start! for Individuals – Lead a longer, more heart-healthy lifestyle through walking and other healthy habits.Keep track of what you eat and how much exercise you get by using the online tracker provided. It can also provide a summary of calories consumed and burned on a daily basis.
Other Important Information
- Family History Awareness – Many common conditions and diseases are inherited, so it is important that you have a full family history available if your doctor should ask for it.
Source: http://saintfrancishospital.reshealth.org/yourhealth/alerts/heart_month.cfm
Follow the BEAT
Join in with the very first national heart health code to get you on your way to a healthier heart…
Be active
Regular physical activity can help keep your heart healthy. Aim to do at least 30 minutes a day, five times a week. You don’t have to run a marathon – walking, swimming and taking the stairs all count.
Eat healthily
Healthy eating helps reduce your risk of heart disease. We’re all allowed a little of what we fancy, but try to cut down on saturated fats, salt and alcohol. For top marks, eat five portions of fruit and veg a day, oily fish once a week and go for the wholegrain options.
Avoid smoking
Smoking can damage the heart and double your risk of having a heart attack. Stopping smoking is the single biggest step you can take to live longer.
Take the lifestyle check
Our new Heart Health Lifestyle Check can help you find out how to improve your lifestyle and look after your heart.
It’s all part of our free Heart Matters service, helping you keep your heart healthy.
Along with being active, eating healthily and not smoking, many other parts of your lifestyle can affect your heart health.
The check is quick and easy to fill in. When you’re finished, you’ll get a personalised report with tips and support
You can keep a copy of your report and you can even print out a copy for your doctor. And you can take the check regularly, it’s a great way to see if the changes you are making are having a positive effect! on how to improve your lifestyle and areas that you might want to focus on.
> Complete your free Heart Matters lifestyle check today!
 “British Heart Foundation”:http://www.bhf.org.uk/
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