Dear ASAN supporters,
For the past several years, we’ve advocated to end the consistent abuse and
risk of violence that Autistic students as well as those with other
disabilities face all too often in our nations schools. In recent months,
our efforts as well as those of part of broader coalitions we are proud to
be a part of, such as the Alliance for the Prevention of Restraints,
Aversive Interventions and Seclusion (APRAIS) and the Justice for All Action
Network (JFAAN), have yielded fruit with Congressional hearings and a recent
direct meeting with top officials on the President’s Domestic Policy
Council. We continue to advocate in Washington for a comprehensive national
law to protect our people. Yet, at the same time, this fight is a national
one and our friends in the parent community and local chapters continue to
fight for these protections at the state level as well.
I’m writing to ask you to help us send 1000 e-mails to the Florida
Department of Education insisting that they withdraw proposed regulations
that would allow the use of physical force against students in a wide
variety of ways and under conditions as vague as to maintain an “orderly
classroom environment” . If this rule is allowed to pass, students with
disabilities will be subject to continued restraint and seclusion resulting
in frequent serious injury and even death.
I urge you to use our action alert to help us reach our goal of sending 1000
messages to the Florida Department of Education to tell them that the
Proposed Rule on “Standards for the Use of Reasonable Force” is
inappropriate and ineffective for safeguarding the rights of students with
and without disabilities. You can find our action alert here at
http://www.change. org/autisticadvo cacy/actions/ view/protect_ floridas_ students_ against_abuse_ through_aversive s_restraint_ and_seclusionsIf
for whatever reason you have trouble using our action alert, you can
e-mail the Florida Department of Education directly at Lynn.Abbott@ fldoe.org
Ari Ne’eman
The Autistic Self Advocacy Network
http://www.autistic advocacy. org
info@autisticadvoca cy.org
Take a look at our innovative new Public Service Announcement produced with
the Dan Marino Foundation at http://www.nomyths. org
If you like what we do, help support the Autistic Self Advocacy Network by
making a donation at:
https://www. change.org/ donation/ create?charity_ id=211198
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