By Tracy Loew • Statesman Journal • July 31, 2009
Twelve people have been appointed to the new Oregon Commission on Autism
Spectrum Disorder.
Oregon’s autism rate is rising, and the state ranks near the top nationwide
in its percentage of autistic children, at about one in 87.
Gov. Ted Kulongoski signed an executive order in March creating the
commission, at the recommendation of a legislative work group. The 13th and
final member of the commission, a state senator, has yet to be appointed.
The commission is charged with designing a 10-year plan to improve services
and address issues faced by Oregonians living with ASD and their families.
“I am excited about this opportunity to serve Oregon and represent higher
education on the commission,” said member Mickey Pardew, a special education
professor at Western Oregon University.
Rep. Chris Edwards, D-Eugene, spearheaded the work group, which put together
a long list of recommendations for legislators.
However, Oregon’s budget crisis stalled all but the commission.
Earlier this year legislators considered a bill that would have required
insurers to cover autism diagnosis and treatment. House Bill 3000 would have
forced insurers to recognize autism as a medical condition. It died in
*tloew@StatesmanJournal.com or (503) 399-6779
Members of the new Oregon Commission on Autism Spectrum Disorder are:
Marilyn Gense (chairwoman), special education coordinator, Willamette
Education Service District
Jean Rystrom (vice-chair-woman), regional practice director of pediatrics,
Kaiser Permanente
Joyce Bernheim, health care attorney
Gleason Eakin, retired educator, administrator and founder of the Northwest
Autism Foundation
Rep. Chris Edwards, D-Eugene
Kirby Erickson, autism specialist, Southern Oregon Education Service
Robert Nickel, developmental pediatrician, OHSU Child Development and
Rehabilitation Center
Michelle (Mickey) Pardew, professor, Special Education Division at Western
Oregon University
*Dora Raymaker, writer, researcher, trainer*
Eric Richards, director of operations, Office of Student Learning and
Partnerships, Oregon Department of Education
Clyde Saiki, deputy director, Oregon Department of Human Services
Kristi Sandvik, executive director of special education programs, Hillsboro
School District
Ari Ne’eman
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