A charitable group donated an iPod Touch with special software to help an autistic 9-year-old.
By Courtney Cutright | The Roanoke Times
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Nine-year-old Romeo Gaona of Roanoke faces a barrier when it comes to communicating.
“He talks a little,” said Wayne Fridley, his grandfather.
Those who don’t know Romeo well have difficulty understanding what he is saying.
Romeo has autism and apraxia of speech. Sounds, syllables and words are hard for him to execute, and he relies on sign language.
On Monday, Romeo received a gift from the Virginia Independent Automobile Dealers Association Ladies Auxiliary that will help him communicate. President Jan Tate of Botetourt County presented an iPod Touch with the Proloquo2Go application to Romeo in the pediatric therapy unit of Carilion Roanoke Community Hospital.
Read in Full:Â http://www.roanoke.com/news/roanoke/wb/247977
An App for Autism
Contributor: Veair Green
Email: vgreen@cbs42.com
Last Update: 5/25 7:22 pm
Thanks to the I-pod Touch and a new $600 program, called Proloquo2go, helping autistic children is much easier. While Proloquo2go is expensive, there is an inexpensive app called Iconverse, that’s also helping children with communication disorders.
With Iconverse, children choose from 6 different icons that represent a person’s most basic needs, like eat, drink, and sleep. It’s available on the Iphone or Ipod. You can even create your own custom buttons for certain needs or favorite things.
The Glenwood Autism Center, located in Birmingham, has high praise for the new application.
Source:Â http://www.cbs42.com/content/localnews/story/An-App-for-Autism/DvVzxP9cl0aqc5VowP-Vzg.cspx
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