AMs focused on the Enterprise and Learning Committee’s report on specialist provision for young people with autism in further education, on 14 July 2010.
The report highlights that 58% of schools who responded to the inquiry did not feel there was “adequate further education provision” for young people with autism in Wales.
It also suggests that half of the schools have experienced problems with young people with autism moving onto further education.
44% of colleges agreed that there is a “lack of staff awareness and training”, according to the committee’s findings.
During the inquiry, the committee listened to evidence from a number of witnesses including the education minister, National Autistic Society Cymru and the mothers of young people with autism.
There are 19 recommendations in the report including a suggestion that all senior transition workers should have “detailed knowledge and experience” of autism.
The report also suggests that the parents of young people with autism should be enabled to make applications for funding for placements 12 months before the start of the college term.
It also recommends that there should be more consistent levels of support for young people with autism and their families outside of college, during holidays and weekends.
Assembly Government data suggest there were 80 students with autism in further education in 2007/08, which is about 0.5% of all disabled learners; more recent data is due to be published.
Source(Includes Video):
 Patchy provision for autistic children
The National Assembly will today debate a committee report which highlighted patchy provision in further education for young people with autism.
The Enterprise and Learning Committee inquiry found there was a major gap between strategy for provision in Wales and delivery on the ground.
One of the Committee’s main concerns was the unnecessary stress caused to families during the transition period between school and college by delays in the decision-making process.
It also heard evidence of people having to travel great distances to attend specialist colleges in England when there are suitable facilities already in place in Wales.
“One of the most important things that a young person with autism needs is time; time to adjust, time to acclimatise and time to accept a change in routine and environment,†said Gareth Jones AM, Chair of the Enterprise and Learning Committee.
“In many cases young people and their families simply aren’t informed early enough in the year about whether they will have placements in further education, which can cause distress for all concerned.
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