Given the high rates of ADHD diagnoses in the USA, and recent discussions about the likely misdiagnoses of tens of thousands of children, it is easy for some to dismiss ADHD as just a term used by zealous clinicians to label kids who just want to be kids. But such an attitude ignores the real struggles that kids with true ADHD experience as compared to their non-affected peers.
For example, this week I read a study just published in the prestigious Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology that examined the association between ADHD and delinquency. Specifically, the study explored whether kids diagnosed with ADHD in early childhood were more likely than their peers to engage in criminal behavior in adolescence. Likewise, given the high co-occurrence of ADHD and other behavioral disorders, such as conduct disorder and oppositional defiant disorder, the study also explored whether the combination of ADHD and these disorders put these kids at an even higher risk for committing violent and/or criminal acts in adolescence.
Read in Full:Â http://www.child-psych.org/2010/09/adhd-and-conduct-disorder.html