As we speak, the Senate Leadership is combining the two Senate health reform
bills into one bill that will drive health reform in the Senate. The Senate
Finance Committee approved two crucial provisions that will help keep people
with disabilities out of institutions and in the community. Right now, we
need your help IMMEDIATELY to tell the Senate that the Community First
Choice State Option and the CLASS Act belong in Health Reform because people
with disabilities should not be segregated in institutions as a precondition
for achieving support. This Action
Alert<http://www.change. org/autisticadvo cacy/actions/ view/keep_ the_cfc_option_ and_the_class_ act_in_health_ reform>will
help you do send a message straight to your Senator and can be found
http://www.change. org/autisticadvo cacy/actions/ view/keep_ the_cfc_option_ and_the_class_ act_in_health_ reform.
Please use our action alert and write to your friends, colleagues and other
networks to help acquire support. This is a crucial period in health reform
and we need your assistance to make a difference. Thank you and please feel
free to distribute this message far and wide!
Ari Ne’eman
The Autistic Self Advocacy Network
http://www.autistic advocacy. org
info@autisticadvoca cy.org
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Take a look at our innovative new Public Service Announcement produced with
the Dan Marino Foundation at http://www.nomyths. org
If you like what we do, help support the Autistic Self Advocacy Network by
making a donation at:
https://www. change.org/ donation/ create?charity_ id=211198