On behalf of APRAIS (the Alliance to Prevent Restraint, Aversive
Interventions and Seclusion), the Autistic Self Advocacy Network and other
APRAIS organizations is encouraging you to contact your congressional
representatives during our* National Call-In Day on February 26, 2010 and
tell them to support the Preventing Harmful Restraint and Seclusion in
Schools Act (H.R. 4247, S. 2860). *
Recently, the House Committee on Education and Labor voted H.R. 4247 out of
committee with a vote of 35 to 10. Your hard work has certainly made a
difference, but we need your continued efforts to advance this important
legislation. Specifically, *we need your assistance to get the bill moved to
the floor for a full House vote and to obtain Co-sponsors for the Senate
version, S. 2860.*
Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) introduced the Preventing Harmful Restraint and
Seclusion in Schools Act in the Senate, but we need to increase the number
of Senate Co-Sponsors and get this bill out of committee as soon as
possible. Once passed, this legislation will provide students with and
without disabilities vital protections against abuse in schools.
*Ask your Congressional Representative to Co-sponsor H.R. 4247 and your
Senators to Co-Sponsor S. 2860 on Friday, February 26th!! *
– To find out the names of your US Senators and Representative, click
here [link to *www.congress. org* <http://www.congress .org/>]
– Dial the Capitol Switchboard at *202-224-3121* and ask for the offices
of your US Senators and Representative
– Ask to speak to the person working on education issues
– Identify yourself as a constituent and the organization that you
represent (if any)
Ari Ne’eman
The Autistic Self Advocacy Network
http://www.autistic advocacy. org
info@autisticadvoca cy.org
(202) 596-1056
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Take a look at our innovative new Public Service Announcement produced with
the Dan Marino Foundation at http://www.nomyths. org
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making a donation at:
https://www. change.org/ donation/ create?charity_ id=211198