First Published Tuesday, 11 November 2008
The Isle of Wight branch of The National Autistic Society and Cineworld have joined forces to bring much-needed autism-friendly cinema screenings to the Island. The screening started on 26 October at Cineworld in Newport – families of children with autism are invited to attend the next screening on Sunday 30 November at 10.30am.
Tickets are £1 each for everyone including parents/carers and siblings.
NAS Isle of Wight branch officer Louise Foley said:
“As the parent of a child with autism I am absolutely delighted that Cineworld in Newport have agreed to hold autism-friendly screenings. Autism is much more common than people think and trips to the cinema for families affected by this disabling condition can often be very difficult due to a lack of help, support and understanding. These screenings are fantastic and will make a big difference to many families on the Island.”
Wayne Roberts, manager of Cineworld Newport said:
“We are delighted to be able to provide regular autism-friendly screenings, which will feature lower sound levels and subdued lighting, plus the opportunity to move around and make noise without anyone minding. It is a great opportunity for local children affected by autism and their families, carers and friends to enjoy trips to the cinema, and we’re sure it’s going to be a huge success.”
All the autism-friendly screenings take place at Cineworld in Newport:
Coppins Bridge
Isle of Wight PO30 2TA
Please contact Cineworld Newport on 01983 537 560 or Louise Foley, NAS Isle of Wight Branch Officer on 07827 308 768 or email for further information.
Nominate our Isle of Wight Branch for a £1,000 Grant
Barclays has teamed up with the Isle of Wight County Press to give five island good causes the opportunity to win a £1,000 grant.
Our Isle of Wight Branch supports people with autism and their families on the island, offering practical help and support, and information including:
- *online support through the Yahoo Group IOWASN and NAS website
- *fortnightly coffee/support group meetings
- *out of school get-togethers for families affected by autism
- *autism-friendly film screenings at the local Cineworld
- *regular branch meetings.
The branch will also be starting sport and social groups in Janaury 2009.
However, Louise Foley, the Isle of Wight Branch Officer, says that they could offer even more with a grant of £1,000. For example:
- *printing information leaflets and posters
- *producing a branch newsletter
- *the payment of specialist, qualified teachers for the launch in January 2009 of the sports and social club
- *society membership of Fishbourne Sailability, which would allow the branch to offer sailing activities
- *to purchase more autism-related books to put into public libraries on the Isle of Wight
- *to purchase sensory and motor skill-related toys for the toy library service.
Local support can make a real difference to the lives of people affected by autism, and help to raise awareness of autism across the island.
To nominate the Isle of Wight branch, write to:
Barclays Making a Difference
Isle of Wight County Press
Brannon House
123 Pyle Street
Newport PO30 1ST
Write down what we do; why we deserve £1,000; what we would spend the money on (eg producing leaflets or newsletters, or paying specialist teachers to support our new sports and social club); and how it would benefit you and other parents/carers. Your nomination should not be any longer than one side of A4 paper.
The more letters of support that are sent in on our behalf the more likely it is that we are selected for a grant.
The closing date for nominations is 14 November 2008.
Isle of Wight Branch Forum:Â