First Published Wednesday, 19 November 2008
“People see that people with autism are different and just because they are different, they start teasing them. This man in a wheelchair came in [to our school], he gave us this little phrase to remember: ‘It’s OK to be different’.” Harry, age 11*
This week is anti-bullying week. Its theme this year is ‘Being different, belonging together’ and, as a member of the Anti-Bullying Alliance, we’re challenging people to think positively about the differences that make us all unique. Watch our short film about the impact bullying can have on the lives of people with autism and send the link onto people you know.
We also have a range of information and resources for people who have been affected by bullying. Visit www.autism.org.uk/bullying
School can be a confusing and difficult place for children with autism. Many have told us that they find it difficult to fit in and make friends and, unfortunately, many have been bullied. Yet the understanding and support of individual teachers, friends and support staff can make a huge difference to the lives of individual children.
Together, we can increase understanding of autism and make a positive difference to children’s and young people’s lives.
*Not his real name.
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DURING National Anti-Bullying Week (Nov 17-21), the Rotherham branch of the National Autistic Society would like to highlight the shocking fact that over 40% of children with autism are bullied at school. The impact can often be devastating.
Autism is more common than most people think, affecting over half a million people in the UK.
Increasing understanding of this disorder is the first step to ensuring people with autism can enjoy the same rights and freedoms as the rest of society.
As the parent of a child with autism, I urge your readers to visit www.think-differently.org.uk to learn more.
Russell Wells, Branch Officer, NAS Rotherham Branch
Source:Â http://www.thestar.co.uk/letters/Shout-loudest—.4704236.jp
Hello, I have an anti bully website that may help your readers which has many free resources for children and teachers to use along with fun educational games and free downloads as well as showcasing my anti bully program. It also has a free 16 page animated anti bully book which can be viewed by clicking on the boy bottom right of my home page where it says… kids help. I just thought that it may be something of interest to everyone out here to help them combat bullying behavior in our schools. I hope you enjoy my free resources and visiting my website. Many thanks Kind regards Johnny.
website: http://www.wix.com/speakuptoyourteacher/order-page
Johnny, just took a look at your site and the work you’ve been doing. Absolutely wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing this.
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