Archive for January, 2011
Dear Parent Advocates,
At it’s meeting on January 13, APRAIS members http://aprais.tash.org/MemberOrganizations.htm (Alliance for the Prevention of Restraint, Aversive Interventions and Seclusion) reviewed the opportunity to further our advocacy efforts for effective federal legislation in all 50 states to reduce and prevent restraint and seclusion use in public schools, or in schools that serve students who are receiving educational services through the use of federal funds.
Through APRAIS, we have an opportunity to continue an effort to pass effective federal legislation to reduce and prevent restraint and seclusion use in schools. The practice of restraint and seclusion presents a very serious health and safety risk to all students, and is most often used to control behavior of young students with disabilities and non compliance issues. Restraint should only be used as a very last resort and when behavior poses an imminent danger and substantial risk of physical injury to the student or others. Protections for students are long overdue. Each day we delay, school children are traumatized, injured and killed.
Seclusion/Solitary Confinement should NEVER be used on children with disabilities. If School Districts have the money to build seclusion rooms, they should have the money to build comfort or sensory rooms to help our children when they become overwhelmed. Our children are not criminals and do not deserve to be locked up in seclusion/solitary confinement rooms.
APRAIS plans to hire experienced federal education legislation to help educate Congressional members and work toward passage of a strong bill. Each organization is going to try and raise $1,000 by January 31st. Please help “Families Against Restraint and Seclusion†by supporting our cause to stop restraint, seclusion and aversive treatments used on our children by making a contribution of $10 (or more if you can). TASH will act as the fiscal agent, and donations can be made out to “TASH†for “Restraint and Seclusion Advocacy†at http://www.tash.org/index.html (Go to the top right side of the screen for information). Please identify yourself as a parent advocate (next to your name) when making your donation.
PLEASE help stop the unnecessary use of restraint and seclusion used on our children with disabilities in the public school system by supporting our cause. Our children are counting on us to keep them safe.
Please email us back if you have any questions or concerns and please pass this on to other parent advocates and others who would like to support this cause.
Phyllis Musumeci
Anna Moore
Families Against Restraint and Seclusion
Research carried out by the University of Warwick in collaboration with the Federico II University Medical School in Naples, Italy, has found that people who sleep for less than six hours each night were 12% more likely to die prematurely than those who get the recommended 6-8 hours.
The study, published today in the journal Sleep, provides unequivocal evidence of the direct link between short duration of sleep (less than 6 hours sleep a night) and an increased chance of dying prematurely.
The research also notes that consistent over long sleeping (over 9 hours a night) can be a cause for concern. While, unlike short sleeping, over long sleeping does not in itself increase the risk of death, it can be a significant marker of an underlying serious and potentially fatal illnesses.
The study looked at the relationship between the level of habitual duration of sleep and mortality by reviewing 16 prospective studies from the UK, USA, European and East Asian countries.
The study included more than 1.3 million participants, followed up for up to 25 years, with more than 100,000 deaths recorded.
The study provides unequivocal evidence of the direct link between both short (less than 6 hours sleep a night) and long (9 hours or more) duration of sleep and an increased chance of dying prematurely, compared to those who sleep 6-8 hours a night on average.
Professor Francesco Cappuccio, leader of the Sleep, Health and Society Programme at the University of Warwick and Consultant Physician at the University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust, said “whilst short sleep may represent a cause of ill-health, long sleep is believed to represent more an indicator of ill-health”.
He said: “Modern society has seen a gradual reduction in the average amount of sleep people take, and this pattern is more common amongst full-time workers, suggesting that it may be due to societal pressures for longer working hours and more shift-work. On the other hand, the deterioration of our health status is often accompanied by an extension of our sleeping time.
“Consistently sleeping 6 to 8 hours per night may be optimal for health. The duration of sleep should be regarded as an additional behavioural risk factor, or risk marker, influenced by the environment and possibly amenable to change through both education and counselling as well as through measures of public health aimed at favourable modifications of the physical and working environments ” Professor Cappuccio added.
More information: Cappuccio FP, D’Elia L, Strazzullo P & Miller MA. Sleep duration and all-cause mortality: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies. Sleep 2010; 33 (5) online.
Provided by University of Warwick (news : web)
Source:Â http://www.physorg.com/news192188436.html
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First Published Thursday 13th January, 2011.
My heart goes out to all who have been affected by the Queensland floods. Many are in shock over the sheer scale of the devastation. Having been born and raised in Brisbane, and with family and friends who are currently directly affected, I am all too familiar with flash floods. Sending my best wishes for the safety of all and of your homes. For those who’ve lost loved ones, my deepest sympathy.
The Queensland Government has set up a Relief Appeal:
For those living in Australia who wish to assist, please phone 1800219028.
Be Safe,
Related Articles
Brisbane Floods – Before & After
(Move mouse over pics to view before and after):
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Reviewed by John M. Grohol, Psy.D. on March 25, 2010
First we learn about sex addiction, now researchers are studying work addiction and how better to measure the disorder.
In a new study, Spanish researchers have developed a new scale for measuring addiction to work.
According to background information, around 12 percent of all working people in Spain suffer from the disorder. The experts say that 8 percent of the working population in Spain devotes more than 12 hours per day to their job.
“Addiction to work is a kind of psychosocial problem that is characterized by two primary features – working excessively and working compulsively,†Mario Del LÃbano, lead author of the paper, said.
The results, published in the Spanish journal Psicothema, not only confirm the two dimensions of workaholism, but also relate the results with psychosocial wellbeing (perceived health and happiness), in order to highlight the negative features of addiction to work in Spain.
“People are only workaholics if, on top of working excessively, they work compulsively in order to reduce anxiety and the feelings of guilt that they get when they’re not working,†Del LÃbano explains.
“This study helps to evaluate addiction along with other phenomena that affect the psychosocial health of workers, without the time taken to fill in the questionnaire having any impact on their motivation,, he adds.
The new scale, called DUWAS (Dutch Work Addiction Scale), has been validated as a result of the criticisms about its validity and reliability made by two evaluation tools that have been most used to date – the WorkBAT (Workaholism Battery) and the WART (Work Addiction Risk Test).
Data on the worldwide prevalence of addiction to work vary from one study to another. It is placed at around 20 percent in countries such as Japan, while in Spain the figures are between 11.3 percent and 12 percent, according to research carried out in 2004 by Sánchez Pardo, Navarro Botella and Valderrama Zurián, and Del LÃbano’s group in 2006, respectively.
The International Labour Organisation (ILO) says that 8 percent of the working population devotes more than 12 hours per day to their profession in order to escape from personal problems. According to the experts, spending more than 50 hours per week working could be a determining factor in addiction.
Addiction to work is characterized by extreme activity in and devotion to work (with people even working outside working hours, at weekends and on holidays), compulsion to work (inability to delegate), disproportionate involvement with work (people relating their self-esteem to their work), and focusing on work to the detriment of their daily lives (poor interpersonal communication).
Some risk factors that can lead to such addiction include financial, family and social pressures; fear of losing one’s job; competition in the labor market; the need to achieve a desired level of success; fear of overbearing, demanding or threatening bosses; high levels of personal work efficiency; and lack of personal affection, with the person trying to make up for this with their work.
In addition, workaholic people can also end up taking illegal substances to help them work harder, enabling them to increase their workplace performance and overcome tiredness and the need for sleep.
Source: Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology
Monday, 10 May 2010
A project providing training for schools and businesses to raise awareness of autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) is to begin in parts of Wales.
Deis Cyfle, which means “opportunity” in Irish and Welsh, aims to provide greater opportunities for autistic school-leavers and job seekers.
The three-year project is a collaboration between Autism Cymru and the Irish Society for Autism.
The scheme will be officially launched at the Senedd on Monday.
Autism Cymru said levels of understanding and awareness about ASD among typical post-school providers such as companies, higher or further education and leisure services were often minimal, and in some cases were misinformed.
The charities have developed a three-day training package and self-evaluation tool, with material tailored for secondary school teachers, further education and leisure providers, and employers.
The project will be run in Gwynedd, Anglesey, Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire, Swansea, Wrexham and Flintshire, and through parts of the Irish Republic.
Read in Full:Â http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/north_east/8670853.stm
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“Disability equality forty years onâ€:
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“Suicide problem among the young, research findsâ€:
“Kindergarten fined over runawayâ€:
“IDF recruits autistic volunteersâ€:
“Autism, mental health and power of relationships the work of Dr. Dan Edmundsâ€:
“Aspergers children could lose diagnostic identityâ€:
“Brain scan ‘best thing so far’ for diagnosing autismâ€:
“The new Mito-Autism studyâ€:
“Hidden Disability Series: Bipolar Disorder and Autismâ€:
“12-fold increase of suicide risk in people with Bipolar, Schizophreniaâ€:
“A new method for classifying depression in relation to response to treatmentâ€:
“Keeping calm in an anxious ageâ€:
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“Epilepsy: Women need specific treatment, experts sayâ€:
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“Let’s Learn: Trichotillomania (Part 1)â€:
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Sleep: The teenager who sleeps for 10 daysâ€:
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“BPS Research Digest: The Special Issue Spotter[1]â€:
“BPS Research Digest: The Special Issue Spotter[2]â€:
“Archives of General Psychiatry: Study Highlights for Decemberâ€:
“Combined consumption of caffeine and glucose improves the efficiency of brain activityâ€:
“Self Esteem: Why It Mattersâ€:
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“John Lennon: Psychodrama of a Gifted Childâ€:
Social Networks “Flaming drives online social networksâ€:
“Relationships: Strategies For Communication & Maintenance, The Neurology Of Love & Marriage, Innovation In The Bedroom, Difficult Emotions & More …â€:
“Virtual Hospitalâ€:
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“Boy with genetic disorder ‘in limbo’ and out of schoolâ€:
“Paying for Superman: A South Pasadena mom explains why she moved her kids to private school.â€:
“State Report cites deficiency in autism trainingâ€:
“Collier district hearing: Family continues fighting to get autistic child’s dog in classroomâ€:
“New nonprofit school for autistic children opens in Burr Ridge, ILâ€:
“Students inspire teacherâ€:
“Local autistic student shadows Deputy Mayor of Ealingâ€:
“Planning for the future: Helping your autistic child achieveâ€:
“Specialist Disability Employment Support – a call for evidence – DWPâ€:
“NAS: Government announces changes to DLAâ€:
“Antidote for workplace distress may be confronting prejudiceâ€:
“Performance expectations subject to gender biasâ€:
“Creative Support Ltdâ€:
“Autelligent Laboratories
We believe all people have a contribution to make and deserve an opportunity to be productive.
With your caring and excellent help, we are creating jobs for the 40 million people worldwide who are diagnosed with Autism and Asperger Syndrome. Today less than one in five of us are currently employed. We are motivated and competent and we deserve equal employment. Help make this a reality.
Autelligent Laboratories is dedicated to creating a space where autistic software engineers can more than contribute, we can excel.â€:
Luxury Quality Scented Candles “Humbolt Candles – Autism & Disability Employment Companyâ€:
Individuality, Diversity, Equality, Achievement
Auties..org is an Aspie & Autie friendly site for all people on the Autistic Spectrum who are ready to dare reach out to occupation and employment, open the doors to the community and market their abilities directly to the public and for those interested in supporting these pioneers.
Linking job seekers with vacancies in work related to autism, Aspergers and ASDs
“Employment within the NASâ€:
For further employment information, please viewâ€:
“Paul Dirac & Henry Cavendish: How autism leads to geniusâ€:
“Imagine a world where Aspergers was the normâ€:
“Dora Raymaker: On living with autism: I am comfortable with who I amâ€:
“Giving hope to special needs children in Ethiopiaâ€:
“Pokemon enthusiasts show off strategy, logic in tournamentâ€:
“Quick and simple activities for autistic childrenâ€:
“Survival Hints For Making It Through The Holiday Season/Christmas & ASDâ€:
“NAS: Talk about Christmas … Children and young people with autism and their families offer advice on coping with Christmas.â€:
“Have Yourself a Mindful, Merry Christmasâ€:
“Introvert’s Guide to Holiday Merrimentâ€:
“Managing Holiday Stress, Alone For The Holidays, Families In Recoveryâ€:
“ Quick Tips To Avoid A Meltdownâ€:
Children’s Christmas Arts, Crafts & Activity Sites
“Kaboose 2010â€:
“Enchanted Learning: Christmas Craftsâ€:
“Activity Villageâ€:
Art & Craft Supplies “Yellow Moonâ€:
Christmas Recipes
“Christmas Around the Worldâ€:
“Koala’s Christmas Pages – Includes Stories, Crafts & Activities, Games, Cooking, Traditions & Free Card Linksâ€:
“Christmas by Aussie Educatorâ€:
“Win a One-Off LEGO Buzz Lightyear & Help the NAS!â€:
“Autism Society of Boulder Countyâ€
PO Box 270300
Louisville CO 80027-5004
(Boulder County)
(720) 272-8231 (Main Phone)
Julie Darrow
Fax: (866) 826-3995
E-Mail address: co-bouldercounty@autismsocietyofamerica.org
Maroon Bells, Aspen, Colorado: Maroon Lake (9,580′) provides one of the most memorable scenes in the Rockies. The lake occupies a basin that was sculpted by Ice-Age glaciers and later dammed by landslide and rockfall debris from the steep slopes above the valley floor. The Maroon Bells is a mountain in the Elk Mountains that consists of two peaks, South Maroon Peak and North Maroon Peak, separated by about a third of a mile. The mountain is on the border between Pitkin County and Gunnison County, Colorado, United States, about 12 miles southwest of Aspen. Both peaks are counted as fourteeners.
“Autism Society Colorado Chapterâ€
550 S. Wadsworth Blvd, Suite 100
Lakewood CO 80226
(Jefferson County)
(720) 214-0794 (Main Phone)
(800) 265-6273 (Toll Free in State)
Fax: (720) 274-2744
E-Mail address: contact@autismcolorado.org
Bear Lake
“Autism Society Larimer County Chapterâ€
921 Province Road
Fort Collins CO 80525
(Larimer County)
(970) 377-9640 (Main Phone)
Phyllis Zimmerman
E-Mail address:
Colorado Balloon Classic
“Colleges for Students with Asperger’s: The Very Friendly Onesâ€:
Colorado River from Desert View, Grand Canyon
“The Benefits of Asperger Syndromeâ€:
Evening Lights on Southwest Colorado Butte
“Temple Grandin, diagnosed HFA, American Doctor of Animal Science and Professor at Colorado State Universityâ€:
One of the “Fourteenersâ€, Mt. Sneffels is in the San Juan Range between Ouray and Telluride in southwestern Colorado.
“Colorado Guideâ€:
Squirrel in Downtown Denver. The Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger) is about 18 to 28 inches long from nose to tip of tail and is the largest species of tree squirrel native to North America.
“Colorado Factsâ€:
Christmas Lights on the City and County Building of Denver, Colorado. City and County Building of Denver, part of the Civic Center Historic District, is across the park from the Colorado State Capitol Building. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
“Colorado Mapâ€:
Night falls over Denver, Colorado’s Capital
“Photo Gallery: Boulder, Coloradoâ€:
A Denver Sunrise
“Colorado Official State Vacation Guideâ€:
Wings Over The Rockies Air And Space Museum ( www.wingsmuseum.org/ )
B-17G “Aluminum Overcast†in Denver
“Colorado’s Best Restaurantsâ€:
Skyscraper Walk, Downtown Denver
Architecture: Custom cedar home in snowy Colorado(More Lindal Cedar Homes in Colorado)
Snow sculptures – Rocky Mountain National Park
Arapahoe Basin is a renowned ski area for alpine skiing high in the Colorado Rockies. The A-Basin East Wall has a summit elevation of 13,050 feet (3977m), making it the highest skiable terrain in North America. Due to its high altitude (at tree line) and its mostly north to northeast face, the Basin remains open for skiing much longer than most Colorado resorts, and often starts earlier as well. Arapahoe Basin is known for a clientele of hardcore, yet relaxed folks that like simply to ski and avoid the glamour associated with resorts like Aspen, Colorado. It sometimes stays open until July, though recent management has opted to close the resort earlier despite complaints from locals.
Red Rocks Ampitheatre, Denver is a rock structure in Red Rocks Park near Morrison, Colorado (west of Denver), where concerts are given in the open air amphitheatre. There is a large, tilted, disc-shaped rock behind the stage, a huge vertical rock angled outwards from stage right, several large boulders angled outwards from stage left and seating area for up to 9,450 people in between. The amphitheatre is owned and operated by the City and County of Denver, Colorado.
Oil & Gas – Active Wells & Pumps are found in Weld & Larimer Counties
Bent’s Old Fort along the Arkansas River operated from 1833 to 1849. A wonderfully restored fort – well worth the stop.
Bent’s Old Fort
Bent’s Old Fort
Colorado Brown, Poudre River Basin
Colorado Summer, Glen Cove
Bridal Veil Falls is the highest cascade waterfall in Colorado. This house used to be the Smuggler-Union Hydroelectric Power Plant, which provided electricity to the town of Telluride. It is now a private residence.
Colorado Black Bear
Great Sand Dunes National Monument, containing the largest sand dunes of North America.
Sixteen Stars Over Colorado Quilt
“Is Home School best for ADD/ADHD?â€:
“Is this a money-making opportunity for franchises, or a legitimate therapy?â€:
“Leadership programs provide life-skills for kids with ADHDâ€:
“ADHD and Depressionâ€:
“Tips for New Teachers: ADHD students & the classroomâ€:
“Are you taking any of these dangerous drugs?â€:
ADRES “Adverse Drug Reaction Electronic System(Adverse Drug Reactions Website)â€- This website provides patients, doctors, and other medical professionals with a comprehensive examination of adverse drug reactions (ADRs), side effects, and other safety information for both prescription and over-the-counter medications.. Our goal is to allow users of our website make informed decisions when taking (patients) or prescribing (doctors) drugs. We are providing unmatched information and analysis tools.
Our objective is to promote awareness to AD/HD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) and to provide information and as much free practical help as we can to those affected by the condition, both adults and children, their families in the UK and around the World via this website.
“ADDISS†The National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service…
“hi2u ADHD Pagesâ€:
“Pioneer of martial arts autistic learning makes surprise discoveryâ€:
Gymnastics “Meet Nikki Gutman, age 10 “:
“Trek Mount Kilimanjaro – 8-19 Oct 2010/2-13 Feb 2011/13-24 July 2011â€:
“Trek the Great Wall of China – 9-18 Oct 2010/8-16 October 2011â€:
“Trek to Everest Base Camp – 5-21 November 2010/25 March – 10 April 2011/4-20 Nov 2011â€:
“Trek to the Home of the Dalai Lama – 17-28 March 2011 and 15-26 Sept 2011â€:
“Trek the Inca Trail – 14-23 May 2011â€:
“Icelandic Lava Trek – 20-24 July 2011â€:
“Sky Diving – All Year Roundâ€:
“The AutisMusic Projectâ€:
“Rolando Davila: Autistic child exhibits ability in art, musicâ€:
GLIMPSE – the talents of the autism community
They are painters, sculptors and photographers; poets and storytellers; musicians and creators of amazing video games. They are kids, teens and adults. Last year, a new online publication arose to celebrate the talents of autistic individuals and other developmental disabilities: GLIMPSE, offered by ICDL (The Interdisciplinary Council of Developmental and Learning Disorders). In late 2008, Volume 2 of GLIMPSE was released, and was expanded into a print book and notecards. The works are serious, humourous, deeply personal and illuminating. See it for yourself, share it with others, submit your own/your child’s work for inclusion in Volume 3, to release later this year. Find information and ordering details at www.icdl.com
“ARTROOM ………where under 17s can make and display art onlineâ€:
“AMC Lennox to screen films for autistic children Dec. 11â€:
“Actors for Autismâ€:
“Autism and Airline Travel: A new book for autistic children about flying called “What Can You Expect When You Fly?â€:
“Fredericktown woman’s book details autistic son’s journeyâ€:
“Autism and Lossâ€
Rachel Forrester-Jones and Sarah Broadhurst
“Bereavement, Loss and Learning Disabilities: A Guide for Professionals and Carersâ€
Robin Grey
“Supportive Parenting: Becoming an Advocate for your Child with Special Needsâ€
Jan Starr Campito
“Exploring Bullying with Adults with Autism and Asperger Syndrome: A Photocopiable Workbookâ€:
Anna Tickle and Bettina Stott
“Autism, Discrimination and the Law: A Quick Guide for Parents, Educators and Employersâ€
James Graham
“Get out, Explore, and Have Fun!: How families of Children with Autism or AspergerSyndrome Can Get the Most out of Community Activitiesâ€
Lisa Jo Rudy
“The Girl Who Spoke with Picturesâ€
Eileen Miller
Foreword by Robert Nickel MD
Illustrated by Kim Miller
“Reaching and Teaching the Child with Autism Spectrum Disorderâ€
Using Learning Preferences and Strengths
Heather MacKenzie
Gold Medal Winner “Autistic Planetâ€
Jennifer Elder
CD Rom “ISPEEK at Home: Over 1300 Visual Communication Imagesâ€
Janet Dixon
CD Rom “ISPEEK at School: Over 1300 Visual Communication Imagesâ€
Janet Dixon
“Tron: Legacy†PG
Release Date: December 17, 2010.
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9szn1QQfas
Synopsis: TRON: LEGACY is a 3D high-tech adventure set in a digital world that’s unlike anything ever captured on the big screen. Sam Flynn (GARRETT HEDLUND), the tech-savvy 27-year-old son of Kevin Flynn (JEFF BRIDGES), looks into his father’s disappearance and finds himself pulled into the digital world of Tron where his father has been living for 25 years. Along with Kevin’s loyal confidant Quorra (OLIVIA WILDE), father and son embark on a life-and-death journey of escape across a visually-stunning cyber universe that has become far more advanced and exceedingly dangerous.
“The Touristâ€
Release Date: December 10, 2010.
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XtbLezJtMg
Synopsis: Johnny Depp stars as an American tourist whose playful dalliance with a stranger leads to a web of intrigue, romance and danger in The Tourist. During an impromptu trip to Europe to mend a broken heart, Frank (Depp) unexpectedly finds himself in a flirtatious encounter with Elise (Angelina Jolie), an extraordinary woman who deliberately crosses his path. Against the breathtaking backdrop of Paris and Venice, their whirlwind romance quickly evolves as they find themselves unwittingly thrust into a deadly game of cat and mouse.
“Depp, Jolie bring old Hollywood glamour to “The Touristâ€:
“New Narnia 3D film gets Royal approvalâ€:
“Social Network named best film by key groupâ€:
TV Christmas 2010 “Doctor Who special ‘Jaws with a twistâ€:
“The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader – reviewâ€:
“Kingdom Hearts: Recoded (Nintendo DS) 12+
Release Date: January 14, 2011.
“Patapon 3†(PSP) 7+
Release Date: December 17, 2010.
“House (Nintendo DS, PC CD)
Release Date: December 10, 2010.
“New gadget promises 3D without the headachesâ€:
“10 exotic gifts for gamersâ€:
“Coolest Tech Products – Year In Review 2010â€
Nat Geo “Top Ten Discoveries Of 2010â€
“Best Space Discoveries of 2010â€
Dear Readers ~ Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and a safe and happy 2011. Taking an indefinite break from the News in its current format as am undertaking some exciting new travel/education plans over the next 3 years. Will possibly provide a smaller scale News Roundup from Feb 1st (Tues – Fri), as time allows. Hope life is treating you well and that this Christmas remains as calm, peaceful and enjoyable as possible for you and yours.
Take Care,
Christmas Star
Boulder, Colorado
Grabe Case Update “Accused murderer’s wife takes standâ€:
“Parents sue district , principal over bullied son’s deathâ€:
“Inseparable friends went for walk: only one came backâ€:
“Man tormented to death by yobsâ€:
“Ten police officers under investigation over deaths of Fiona Pilkington and disabled daughterâ€:
“Parents’ tribute to gentle giantâ€:
“2 LAPD Officers fatally shoot unarmed autistic man near Koreatownâ€:
“ACLU ‘disturbed’ by Los Angeles Policeâ€:
“Local woman dies in Alaska; adventure was hallmark of her life, father saysâ€:
“Search on for suspect in rape of severely autistic manâ€:
AAFP “Court again rejects vaccine-autism linkâ€:
“Family of autistic boy filed a discrimination lawsuit against Bainbridge School District, citing sexual harassmentâ€:
“Police searching for Piers Hopson seek men on CCTV filmâ€:
“Parent of Chicago boy files lawsuit over controversial autism therapyâ€:
“National Autism Association applauds Congress for passing federal legislation to end abusive restraint and seclusion in schoolsâ€:
“Neglect turned son to heroin, mental health charity founder claimsâ€:
“13-year-old autistic boy back home, found wandering in Hixson neighborhoodâ€:
“Ulster Sheriff launches Project Lifesaverâ€:
“Cwmbran mum’s fury after autistic son is left wanderingâ€:
“Mum’s anger at blue badge rulingâ€:
“Autistic/AS people call for more supportâ€:
“Dimensions response statement to the Adult Autism Strategyâ€:
“Foster kid row claims first victimâ€:
“Privacy battle looms for social networking sitesâ€:
“On the matter of extraditionâ€:
“Hacker could get up to 25 yearsâ€:
“Obama wins historic Health Reforms battleâ€:
“Mental Health America Hails Enactment of Historic Health Care Reform Billâ€:
“For consumers, some clarity on Health Care changesâ€:
“Neurologists on Capitol Hill to push for Health Care Reformâ€:
“Finding a better genetic test for autismâ€:
“Measles and mumps cases quadruple in one yearâ€:
“Comparative effectiveness trial leads to evidence-based care for childhood epilepsy/Oldest epilepsy drug best for childrenâ€:
“Study faces up to the challenges of illness … Children have been helping Lancaster University psychologists better understand conditions including stroke, epilepsy and mental illness.â€:
“Indigenous psychologists establish online presence – Australian Psychological Societyâ€:
“Grinding teeth at night may be a sign of daytime stressâ€:
“BPS Research Digest: The Special Issue Spotterâ€:
“Moderate drinking before trauma leads to more flashbacksâ€:
“Tips to avoid burnoutâ€:
“Loss of enzyme reduces neural activity in Angelman Syndromeâ€:
“What is Hydrocephalus(Water On The Brain) What causes Hydrocephalus?â€:
“Latest on Depression: Includes When Personality Makes Drugs Ineffective, New Drug Strategy, Depression’s Upside, Down, Beating Depression After Divorce & Moreâ€:
“Social Anxiety and Drugs: A Lesson About Addiction from Monkeysâ€:
“Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbookâ€:
“Mental Health: One Page Questionnaire is Effective Screening Tool/5 Tips If You Love Someone With Mental Illnessâ€:
“Human brain becomes tuned to voices and emotional tone of voice during infancyâ€:
“Child Development: Do Baby Einstein DVDs Affect Language Development?, The Infant Brain, Role of Baby-Sign & More …â€:
“Childhood Health & Behaviour: Behavioural Problems, Childhood Stress, Affects of Repeated Anesthesia on Learning, Unexplained Abdominal Pain, Teaching Self Controlâ€:
“Happiness: Happy People Talk More Seriously, Counting Your Blessings, What’s In A Smile?â€:
“Relationships: Men’s Preference For The Hourglass Figure, The Last Taboo, Teen Relationships & Moreâ€:
“Relationships: Playing Hard To Get, Does it Work?, The Truth About Open Marriage, Confidence, Grandparenting, Jealousy, Emotional Resiliency & Moreâ€:
“Medical alert jewelry has become more stylishâ€:
“Virtual Hospitalâ€:
“Court awards bullied student $800,000/Family of Autistic boy file discrimination lawsuit/Keeping all Students Safe Act passes Houseâ€:
PEI “Autism Society backs parentsâ€:
“School criticised for putting autistic kids in penâ€:
Communication – Tobii Assistive Technology “Children learn to speak with their eyesâ€:
“A pioneering new way to face up to dyslexiaâ€:
“Computers help dyslexics learn betterâ€:
“Tom Heaffey: The boy whose blue-tinted glasses have cured his Meares-Irlen syndromeâ€:
£1.8m plans for new school unitâ€:
“Horses help teach special education studentsâ€:
“Special Education terms and procedures: What all teachers should knowâ€:
“Little Shop of Horrors: Teen with Asperger Syndrome takes root in horrorsâ€:
“TES Connect Download Resources: Young Geographers Go Localâ€:
“TES Connect Download Resources: Things That I Likeâ€:
“TES Connect Download Resources: Things I Dislikeâ€:
“TES Connect Download Resources: SEN Top TEN Motivational Staffroom Posterâ€:
“Only 15% of autistic people in jobs, expert saysâ€:
“IT jobs for autistic peopleâ€:
“DH launches autism strategyâ€:
Skills for Care welcome new strategy to boost training for workers supporting autistic peopleâ€:
“Program gives autistic students confidence to join work forceâ€:
Position Available “Principal/Headteacher at Hillingdon Manor Schoolâ€:
Position Available “Mainstream Teacher at Snowsfields Primary Schoolâ€:
“Worker to help autistic people in Cambridgeshireâ€:
“Disabled ‘wrongly denied’ benefit, Citizens Advice saysâ€:
“NAS response to the Not Working Report by Citizens Advice, UKâ€:
“Creative Support Ltdâ€:
“Autelligent Laboratories
We believe all people have a contribution to make and deserve an opportunity to be productive.
With your caring and excellent help, we are creating jobs for the 40 million people worldwide who are diagnosed with Autism and Asperger Syndrome. Today less than one in five of us are currently employed. We are motivated and competent and we deserve equal employment. Help make this a reality.
Autelligent Laboratories is dedicated to creating a space where autistic software engineers can more than contribute, we can excel.â€:
Luxury Quality Scented Candles “Humbolt Candles – Autism & Disability Employment Companyâ€:
Individuality, Diversity, Equality, Achievement
Auties..org is an Aspie & Autie friendly site for all people on the Autistic Spectrum who are ready to dare reach out to occupation and employment, open the doors to the community and market their abilities directly to the public and for those interested in supporting these pioneers.
Linking job seekers with vacancies in work related to autism, Aspergers and ASDs
“Current job vacancies within the NASâ€:
For further employment information, please viewâ€:
“Why my special son is a joy to the familyâ€:
“Book group gives girls a safe place to speak outâ€:
“Special-needs and autism-friendly Philadelphia-area egg huntâ€:
“At home with the android familyâ€:
Aspect “Autism website soldiers on despite hackingâ€:
“Enchanted Learning Easter & Spring Craftsâ€:
“Kaboose Easter Crafts for Kidsâ€:
“Activity Village Easter Crafts for Kidsâ€:
“Family Fun Website: Kids’ Easter Craftsâ€:
“Easter Around the Worldâ€:
“Better Recipes: Easterâ€:
“Easter Recipesâ€:
Spolocnost na pomoc osobám s autizmom (SPOSA)
Fedakova 5
P.O.Box 8
841 O2 Bratislava 42
tel/fax: 004212/ 544 11 774
e-mail: sposa@pobox.sk
Website: http://www.sposa.sk
Bojnice Castle
“ANED – Slovakiaâ€:
Europe’s Courtyard
Located in the centre of Komárno, Slovak Republic. Construction began in 1998 and is almost complete. The idea was to create a mini Europe with all the various architecture styles represented. Komár in the Slovak language means Mosquito. This rings true to the fact that the town was built on a marsh which would have originally housed swarms of mosquitos.
“A mission to promote disability rights in Slovakiaâ€:
The Primacialny Palace (Primate’s Palace) in Bratislava Slovak Republic. The building where in the hall of mirrors in the early 1800s, Napoleon signed the document that ended the Holy Roman Empire. The statue of St. George at Primacialny Palace stabbing a three headed dragon.
“Slovakia Guideâ€:
Slovak National Theatre
“Slovakia Factsâ€:
Bridge over Danube, Bratislava
“Slovakia – Official Tourism Sites & Moreâ€:
View from Kalikry, Greater Fatra. Learn More … http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greater_Fatra
Slovakian mountain village Rybô in the south part of the Greater Fatra.
The High Tatras
High Tatras, Gerlach 2656m.
Belianske Tatry Mountains
Main Road in Kosice
Kosice Fountains
A stream in Smrekovica
Jozef Murgas (17 February 1864 – 11 May 1929) was a Slovak inventor, architect, botanist, painter, patriot, and Roman Catholic priest. He contributed to wireless telegraphy and help develop mobile communications and wireless transmission of information and human voice. MurgaÅ¡ was nicknamed the Radio Priest and deemed a Renaissance man. Learn More … http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jozef_Murga%C5%A1 List of Famous Slovakians: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Slovaks
“Ritalin and Methylphenidate: Side Effects for Adult Users of this ADHD medicationâ€:
“Treating ADHD without medication (Video 4:28)â€:
“Guide to ADHDâ€:
“Physician’s Focus: Multimodal Treatment of ADHD in childrenâ€:
“Building strong parental relationships with ADHD kidsâ€:
“Cats attracted to ADHD drug, a feline posionâ€:
ADRES “Adverse Drug Reaction Electronic System(Adverse Drug Reactions Website)â€- This website provides patients, doctors, and other medical professionals with a comprehensive examination of adverse drug reactions (ADRs), side effects, and other safety information for both prescription and over-the-counter medications.. Our goal is to allow users of our website make informed decisions when taking (patients) or prescribing (doctors) drugs. We are providing unmatched information and analysis tools.
Our objective is to promote awareness to AD/HD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) and to provide information and as much free practical help as we can to those affected by the condition, both adults and children, their families in the UK and around the World via this website.
“ADDISS†The National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service…
“hi2u ADHD Pagesâ€:
“Hockey program giving special athletes a chance for ice timeâ€:
“Hannah steps up for autism charityâ€:
“Swimming Challenges ~ Includes Great Swim Series 2010(June – September 2010)â€:
The Great Swim series is taking place at various locations during summer 2010. There will be four televised one-mile outdoor swims, staged in lakes, lochs and docks around the UK.
“10-kilometre runsâ€:
“Trek the Sahara – 5-25 March 2010 or 29 Oct-8 Nov 2010â€:
“Trek the Inca Trail – 22-31 May 2010â€:
“Trek Snowdon – 11–3 June 2010â€:
“Trek the Jurassic Coast – 16-18 July 2010â€:
“Trek Mount Kilimanjaro – 29 Sept-10 Oct 2010â€:
“Trek the Great Wall of China – 9-18 Oct 2010â€:
“Trek to Everest Base Camp – 5-21 November 2010â€:
“Cycle Cuba – 14-22 March 2010â€:
“London to Paris 2010 – 5-8 Juneâ€:
“L’Etape du Tour 2010 – 18 July 2010â€
“Sky Diving – All Year Round”:
“Little Ellie is YouTube hitâ€:
“Chords for Kids lets autistic kids experience a live classical concertâ€:
“David Lucas celebrated for contributions to musical composition and production … His most recent work has been with the Miracle Project – a cause devoted to Autism awareness. Lucas has helped produce a song written by his son Jason Lucas called “Butterfly,” which features Chaka Khan in a duet with the eight year old autistic talent Gina Incandela.â€:
“Rock band Spoon is no overnight success but the members like it that wayâ€:
“The AutisMusic Projectâ€:
“Stephen Wiltshire to visit Sydney, Australia – 19-24 April 2010â€:
“Rainbows and Monsters: Show spotlights artwork of autistic studentsâ€:
“The Help Group and Bear Givers celebrate young artists with autism spectrum disordersâ€:
Closing Date: Wednesday 24th March 2010 “Young Brits at Art, Suggested Topic, Your Rightsâ€
The Equality and Human Rights Commission is asking young Britons to express their vision of a world free from prejudice for Young Brits at Art 2010. This year the national art award invites 11-19 year olds to explore their beliefs, opinions and judgments by asking: “What would the world look like if we lived without prejudice?†Young Brits at Art 2010 includes new categories such as photography, sculpture and motion animation, as well as its previous sections for painting and drawing.
GLIMPSE – the talents of the autism community
They are painters, sculptors and photographers; poets and storytellers; musicians and creators of amazing video games. They are kids, teens and adults. Last year, a new online publication arose to celebrate the talents of autistic individuals and other developmental disabilities: GLIMPSE, offered by ICDL (The Interdisciplinary Council of Developmental and Learning Disorders). In late 2008, Volume 2 of GLIMPSE was released, and was expanded into a print book and notecards. The works are serious, humourous, deeply personal and illuminating. See it for yourself, share it with others, submit your own/your child’s work for inclusion in Volume 3, to release later this year. Find information and ordering details at www.icdl.com
“ARTROOM ………where under 17s can make and display art onlineâ€:
“Actors for Autismâ€:
“Will Hadcroft: Writing can make a differenceâ€:
“Arts Activities for Children and Young People in Need: Helping Children to Develop Mindfulness, Spiritual Awareness and Self-Esteemâ€:
“Motivate to Communicate!: 300 Games and Activities for Your Autistic Childâ€
Simone Griffin and Dianne Sandler
“Providing Practical Support for People with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Supported Living in the Communityâ€
Denise Edwards
Foreword by E. Veronica Bliss
“ADHD – Living without Brakesâ€
Martin L. Kutscher MD
Illustrated by Douglas Puder, MD
“Caring for Myself: A Social Skills Storybookâ€
Christy Gast and Jane Krug
Photographs by Kotoe Laackman
“Planning to Learn: Creating and Using a Personal Planner with Young People on the Autism Spectrumâ€
Keely Harper-Hill and Stephanie Lord
“Supportive Parenting: Becoming an Advocate for your Child with Special Needsâ€
Jan Starr Campito
“Helping Children with Nonverbal Learning Disabilities to Flourish: A Guide for Parents and Professionalsâ€
Marilyn Martin
Foreword by Michelle Berg
“How to Train Your Dragon (3D)â€
Release Date: March 26, 2010.
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHUhygdAZIw
Synopsis: From the studio that brought you “Shrek,†“Madagascar†and “Kung Fu Panda†comes “How to Train Your Dragon.†Set in the mythical world of burly Vikings and wild dragons, and based on the book by Cressida Cowell, the action comedy tells the story of Hiccup, a Viking teenager who doesn’t exactly fit in with his tribe’s longstanding tradition of heroic dragon slayers. Hiccup’s world is turned upside down when he encounters a dragon that challenges he and his fellow Vikings to see the world from an entirely different point of view.
Consensus: Boasting dazzling animation, a script with surprising dramatic depth, and thrilling 3-D sequences, How to Train Your Dragon soars.
“Clash of the Titansâ€
Release Date: March 26, 2010.
Offical Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcdP8YAW-8A
Synopsis: In Clash of the Titans, the ultimate struggle for power pits men against kings and kings against gods. But the war between the gods themselves could destroy the world. Born of a god but raised as a man, Perseus (Sam Worthington) is helpless to save his family from Hades (Ralph Fiennes), vengeful god of the underworld. With nothing left to lose, Perseus volunteers to lead a dangerous mission to defeat Hades before he can seize power from Zeus (Liam Neeson) and unleash hell on earth. Leading a daring band of warriors, Perseus sets off on a perilous journey deep into forbidden worlds. Battling unholy demons and fearsome beasts, he will only survive if he can accept his power as a god, defy his fate and create his own destiny. Read More … http://uk.rottentomatoes.com/m/clash_of_the_titans_2010/
“Mystery Tales of Time Travel†(Nintendo DS)
Release Date April 1, 2010.
“Doctor Who Becomes Doctor Wiiâ€:
“New guitar game is the real thingâ€:
“New Playstation Controllerâ€:
Console-Killing Game System Unveiled …
OnLive “The Death of Games Consoles – Coming Soon!â€:
“Wii could help prevent elderly fallsâ€:
“Babbage Nanomachine Promises Low-Energy Computingâ€
“Neptune May Have Eaten A Planet And Stolen Its Moonâ€
Take Care,
Liptov, Slovakia
We trawl the world’s journals so you don’t have to:
Team Innovation, Knowledge and Performance Management (European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology).
Prisoner’s Mental Health (International Journal of Prisoner Health).
Activism and Emotional Sustainability (Emotion, Space and Society).
Improving Outcomes for Children and Young People in Care (Vulnerable Children and Young People).
Processing the Chinese language (Language and Cognitive Processes).
Beyond Psychopathology: Interrogating (Dis)Orders of Body Weight and Body Management (Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology).Â
Source: http://bps-research-digest.blogspot.com/2009/09/special-issue-spotter.html
UFO hacker Gary McKinnon to learn of Supreme Court appeal
14 September 2009
Self-confessed hacker Gary McKinnon, who gained unauthorised access to multiple Pentagon computer systems, will learn this week whether an application for an appeal in his case will be heard by the Supreme Court, the new highest court in the UK.
If the appeal goes ahead, then Infosecurity understands an extradition of McKinnon would be unlikely to happen before next spring.
McKinnon, who has been diagnosed with Aspergers syndrome, has admitted his hacking exploits, but has claimed all along that he carried out his unauthorised accesses merely to prove the existence of UFOs and the fact that they have been investigated by the US military.
The Supreme Court application for an appeal comes as a cross party group of MPs attempted earlier this month to apply fresh political pressure on the current Home Secretary Alan Johnson to halt the extradition of McKinnon.
The delegation of three Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrat members told Johnson in a Home Office meeting last week that he has the “power and the duty” to step in to prevent McKinnon from being sent for trial in the USA.
David Davis, the former Shadow Home Secretary, the Liberal Democrat home affairs spokesman Chris Huhne and Michael Meacher, the former Labour minister, all joined forces for the meeting looking at the case of McKinnon.
Read Article in Full:Â http://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/view/3950/ufo-hacker-gary-mckinnon-to-learn-of-supreme-court-appeal/
Wednesday 30 September 2009, 5:30 PM
McKinnon fight goes to Brighton
Campaigners against the extradition of Nasa hacker Gary McKinnon have garnered more support at the Labour Party conference in Brighton.
McKinnon’s mother Janis Sharp told ZDNet UK on Tuesday that MP Keith Vaz had agreed to write to American civil liberties campaigner Jessie Jackson outlining McKinnon’s case.
The hacker, who admits accessing US systems in 2001/02, claims to have been searching for evidence of UFOs. Last summer McKinnon was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome.
The National Autistic Society (NAS) has requested a meeting with Sarah Brown, the prime minister’s wife, to discuss McKinnon’s situation, a NAS spokesperson told ZDNet UK on Wednesday.
McKinnon faces extradition to the US to face hacking charges.
Read in Full:
Previous Updates
“Gary McKinnon Updates: Protestors Challenge McKinnon Extradition/American Civil Liberties Union Attacks David Miliband over UK/US Extradition Treaty”:

14 September 2009
A young autistic boy from Swindon is hoping to challenge perceptions of autism after he created a series of computer games online.
Jack Booth, 11, of Beech Avenue, in Pinehurst has been busy creating games to challenge players around the world, reports the Swindon Advertiser.One of Jack’s games – which he says he can create in half an hour – City Of The Dead, is proving a real challenge for worldwide players as nobody has managed to complete the game in over 2,000 attempts. Now Jack hopes his achievements will help to challenge perceptions of autism. “I would like to show people they shouldn’t be scared to be friends with me,” he told the news provider.
Read Article in Full: