First Published Thursday, 3rd April, 2008.
It has been an absolute pleasure over the years to read, share news of, and cheer on jypsy and Alex’s advocacy efforts. They are nothing short of an inspiration to many. Their efforts have made a difference and continue to do so. People such as Mr Howard, who have no genuine understanding of what it is to be autistic, will continue to do more harm than good. He does not appear to accept ‘difference’ or place any value whatsoever on the autistic individual, yet he lives in and enjoys a society that was largely influenced by those ‘differently wired’.  Mr Howard, jypsy deserves a response and you would greatly benefit from her wisdom on such matters.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Running FOR Autism, not AGAINST it. Why we don’t support Run The Dream
So, there’s this guy….. who wants to run across Canada… (Okay, as the mother of a guy who wanted to run across his Province, I can relate…) So, he goes looking for a “cause” to raise awareness about and funds for, while he runs. His research brings him to Autism (or, more precisely, ASD – “Autism Spectrum Disorders”). Again, I can relate. Our Autism Celebration Run was about fulfilling Alex’s dream to run across Prince Edward Island, to raise awareness about Autism (ASD) and to raise funds to benefit our Island’s autistics .
The similarities between Alex’s “Autistic Celebration Run” and Jonathon Howard’s “Run The Dream” Run appear to end there. Alex ran FOR Autism, Mr. Howard is running AGAINST Autism.
Mr. Howard, while admitting his life is untouched by autism, is out to inform “Canadians who have been spared the burden of dealing with Autism” that autistics are a “burden for the rest of their lives” to our parents, family members, teachers and social support groups. He wants to “promote a unified and effective approach in Canada to dealing with Autism, and ultimately preventing it or finding a cure.”
Complete Article:http://therunman.blogspot.com/2008/04/running-for-autism-not-against-it-why.html
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