“Boy died waiting for ambulance … An autistic boy choked to death on a sweet while an ambulance failed to find his house on its computer system.â€:
“Boy banished to box shows heartbreaking reality of how autistic children are treatedâ€:
“Rail guard degraded disabled manâ€:
“Should parents stop their very disabled children from growing up?â€:
“Disabled woman sues Easyjet after being ordered off plane because she was a ‘safety riskâ€:
“Canada doesn’t want this autistic boyâ€:
“Obama agrees to talks on extradition law after Gary McKinnon case is raisedâ€:
“Police award £30,000 damages to autistic teenagerâ€:
“Met Police subjected teenager to degrading treatment, judge rulesâ€:
NAS “Sign our petition to improve police trainingâ€:
“Pirate flag banned from couple’s back garden by councilâ€:
“Father fights to keep fence for autistic daughterâ€:
Ireland “President Higgins calling for improvement in the care of autistic peopleâ€:
Gary McKinnon Updates “Hacker ‘no longer a suicide risk … But the psychologist’s latest assessment, ordered by the Home Office, was formed despite him being denied any access to Mr McKinnon since his original assessment for the Briton’s legal team three years ago, it added.â€:
NAS “Media response: Gary McKinnon extraditionâ€:
“Autistic kids aren’t ‘throwaways’ in Pennsylvaniaâ€:
“2012 National Symposium on Neurodiversity at Syracuse University: Call for Proposalsâ€:
“World Autism Awareness Dayâ€:
“Call for Applicants: ACI Summer Institute on Systems Changeâ€:
“ASAN: Remarks on the Murder of George Hodginsâ€:
“Take Action: Help Us Mourn Murders of Disabled Peopleâ€:
“ASAN: George, Trayvon and Your Local Vigil – March 30thâ€:
“Today We Honor Disabled Lives Lost to Domestic Violenceâ€:
“NAS: Act together to implement the Autism Act 2009 … The Autism Act 2009 was a landmark piece of legislation. It was the first ever disability-specific law and led to the production of two important documents: the adult autism strategy for England, and statutory guidance for local authorities and the NHS. â€:
NAS “Temporary suspension of some online services 16-20 Aprilâ€:
Northern Ireland “Seminar in Belfast to focus on autistic girlsâ€:
“Obituary: Professor Jim Mansellâ€:
“Autism more common than previously thought: CDC report shows 1 in 54 boys identifiedâ€:
“1 in every 54 boy children are now considered to be autistic in U.S.â€:
“Autism linked to superior information processing skillsâ€:
“Autistic kids often bulliedâ€:
NAS “Autistic children to get quality standard … Research has found that over 70 per cent of children with autism also experience mental health issues, so it is vital that Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) are able to fully meet the needs of children with autism.â€:
“CiteULike: Savant skills in autism: psychometric approaches and parental reportsâ€:
“CiteULike: Can Asperger syndrome be distinguished from autism? An anatomic likelihood meta-analysis of MRI studiesâ€:
“CitULike: Fragile-X syndrome and fragile X associated with tremor/ataxia syndrome: two faces of FMR1â€:
“CiteULike: The structure of the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised: diagnostic and phenotype implicationsâ€:
“New Scientist: Should we rewrite the autism rule book?â€:
Rett Syndrome “Doctors reverse rare autism disorder in mice that robs girls of their speech and movementâ€:
“Abstract: Psychotherapeutic approaches to non-suicidal self-injury in adolescentsâ€:
“Abstract: Non-suicidal self-injury, youth, and the Internet: What mental health professionals need to knowâ€:
“Spanking, genes interact to influence antisocial behaviorâ€:
“Got Tics? Environmental adjustments can helpâ€:
“Bipolar Disorder & Creativity/Schizophrenia & Creativityâ€:
“Williams Syndrome: Overly-friendly, intense personality due to brain differenceâ€:
“OCD: Sudden onset OCD in children/Personifying OCD – Effective recovery toolâ€:
“Latest Depression Articles: Call for new drug treatments for depression and schizophrenia, Umass fails student with depression, Depression highest for those living alone, How does ECT work?, & More …â€:
“Latest Anxiety Articles: 9 tools to help kids cope creatively with sress, Anxiety boosts sense of smell, Overcoming being anxious about being anxious, Public changing rooms and body anxietiesâ€:
“Rainforest remedy could replace the dentist’s needleâ€:
“Relationship Articles: How is your love defined?, Love after death, Highly sensitive partner?, 10 tips to mend a broken heart, Want a better relationship??, Are your partner’s social skills embarrassing? & More …â€:
“Virtual Hospitalâ€:
“Halstead: Mother’s fight for special needs school placeâ€:
“New autism film resource for teachersâ€:
“Deer Park teacher disciplines autistic student with spray bottleâ€:
“Children’s Minister gives evidence about SEN reformâ€:
“MP to examine education needsâ€:
“India: Making our skies inclusiveâ€:
“Springfield residents divided as board says ‘no’ to charter schoolâ€:
“Some kids cut off from bus service … A group of parents is upset that Lake County Schools will no longer provide transportation for their special needs children to a charter school in Orlando.â€:
“Caring school’s top gongâ€:
“Washington Township school district: autism program at Grenloch to become full-dayâ€:
“Autistic kids to lose SNAsâ€:
“Autistic Leeds boy, 8, plans series of fundraisersâ€:
“Manju Banerjee: Why I moved to a College that teaches only students with disabilitiesâ€:
“Call for Resumes: Freddie Mac Summer Internshipsâ€:
“Remploy closures to hit 1,700 jobsâ€:
“NAS: The undiscovered workforce – working locally to improve employment rates … The National Autistic Society (NAS) is joining with MPs to increase the employment rates among people with autism in our latest campaign, The undiscovered workforce.â€:
“Youth Contract should make provisions for young autistic peopleâ€:
“Disability organisation’s proposed pay cuts ‘unacceptable’, says Unisonâ€:
“Nua creates 80 jobsâ€:
“Volunteering for special needs organizations good fit for twinsâ€:
Asperger Informatik AG “Professionelles Webdesign und Software Testing in Zurichâ€:
“Creative Support Ltdâ€:
“Autelligent Laboratories
We believe all people have a contribution to make and deserve an opportunity to be productive.
With your caring and excellent help, we are creating jobs for the 40 million people worldwide who are diagnosed with Autism and Asperger Syndrome. Today less than one in five of us are currently employed. We are motivated and competent and we deserve equal employment. Help make this a reality.
Autelligent Laboratories is dedicated to creating a space where autistic software engineers can more than contribute, we can excel.â€:
Luxury Quality Scented Candles “Humbolt Candles – Autism & Disability Employment Companyâ€:
Individuality, Diversity, Equality, Achievement
Auties..org is an Aspie & Autie friendly site for all people on the Autistic Spectrum who are ready to dare reach out to occupation and employment, open the doors to the community and market their abilities directly to the public and for those interested in supporting these pioneers.
Linking job seekers with vacancies in work related to autism, Aspergers and ASDs
“Employment within the NASâ€:
“For further employment information, please viewâ€:
“Queen’s photographer, from Highgate, to launch autism serviceâ€:
Gawker “The Tech Industry & Aspergers(Note: Use of the term ‘afflicted’ may rightly offend many)â€:
“I’m so proud of my boys: Mother talks of her life bringing up two autistic boysâ€:
“Farm life has Charlotte on the right pathâ€:
“Magical Paws get magical resultsâ€:
“Katie Price faces backlash over son Harvey’s new haircutâ€:
“Enchanted Learning Easter & Spring Craftsâ€:
“Kaboose Easter Crafts for Kidsâ€:
“Activity Village Easter Crafts for Kidsâ€:
“Family Fun Website: Kids’ Easter Craftsâ€:
“Easter Around the Worldâ€:
“Best Ever Easter Recipesâ€:
“Easter Recipes for Childrenâ€:
“Easter Recipesâ€:
“The 2012 Easter Egg Taste Testâ€:
Flag of the State of New York
Autism Society Western New York Chapter
19 Limestone Dr, Suite 1
Buffalo, New York 14221-7091
(716) 633-2275
Times Square, NYC
Autism Society Nassau/Suffolk County Chapter
PO BOX 7472
Wantagh, New York 11793
(516) 404-2306
Blue Hour:Â New York evening view from the Empire State Building
Autism Society Manhattan Chapter
370 East 76th St, #C1208
New York, New York 10021-2558
(212) 628-0669
New York State Capitol Building, Albany
Autism Society
Hudson Valley
58 Jones Quarry Road
Woodstock, New York 12498
(845) 331-2626
New York City Subway Train, Queens
Autism Society Fulton/Montgomery County Chapter
43 Harrison St
Gloversville, New York 12078-4708
(518) 773-2014
Flatiron Building
Autism Society Central New York Chapter
PMB 252
4465 East Genesee St
Dewitt, New York 13214-2242
(315) 447-4466
New York City
Autism Society Brooklyn Chapter
225 Ave S
Brooklyn, New York 11223-2745
(718) 336-9533
NYC Buildings
Autism Society Bronx Chapter
3424 Kossuth Ave, Room 15A11
Bronx, New York 10467
(718) 519-4797
Central Park, NYC
Bow Bridge, Central Park
Autism Society Albany Chapter
101 State St
Schenectady, New York 12305
(518) 355-2191
Statue of Liberty
Community Resources
Asperger Syndrome and High Functioning Autism Association
AHA Association is a New York organization providing support and information for families, individuals and professionals affected by Asperger’s Syndrome, high functioning autism and other Pervasive Developmental Disorders.
Center for Autism and Related Disabilities
The Center for Autism and Related Disabilities at the University at Albany (CARD Albany) is a university-affiliated resource center that brings research and practice together in community settings. CARD Albany provides evidence-based training and support to families and professionals, and through ongoing research, contributes knowledge to the field of autism spectrum disorders.Â
Thomas Wolfe’s Neighbourhood
American author Thomas Wolfe (1900-1938) lived at No. 5 1933-1935, wrote Of Time and the River here • biographical sketch • Wolfe’s Asheville, NC childhood home • Anglo-American poet W.H Auden lived at No. 1 Montague Terrace c. 1939-40 • Brooklyn Heights Historic District, National Register of Historic Places #66000524, 1966
The Center for Disability Rights, Inc. (CDR), is a not-for-profit, community-based advocacy and service organization for people with all types of disabilities.
Macy’s, NYC(World’s largest store)
Learning Disabilities Association of New York
LDA of NYC currently operates three main programs: the Learning Disabilities Helpline, Latino Outreach Program and Adult Support Group.
Coney Island
Neon Sign, Coney Island
Los Niños Services is an award-winning, multilingual agency serving the developmental needs of young children and their families. We specialize in home- and community-based evaluations and services, parent/child groups, service coordination and training for early childhood professionals. Staff is comprised of experienced bilingual clinicians who pride themselves in being of great service to others. We serve all children and families in Westchester and New York City from all communities.
Yankee Stadium
NY State Putting People First- NY State Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities
New York Yankees
Parent to Parent of New York State
Parent to Parent of New York State is a place where families of individuals with special needs and the professionals who serve them can meet and share information.
Long Island City
NY State Department of Education
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
The Advocacy Center- Partners in Policymaking
The Advocacy Center builds the capacity of individuals with disabilities and their families to advocate for themselves, realize their personal goals, and make positive changes in their lives and communities. The Advocacy Center values diversity, individuality, choice, innovation and quality.
Surfing, Long Island
Advocates for Children of New York
Advocates for Children of New York, Inc., works in partnership with New York City’s most impoverished and vulnerable families to secure quality and equal public education services. AFC works on behalf of children from infancy to age 21 who are at greatest risk for school-based discrimination and/or academic failure. AFC provides a full range of services: free individual case advocacy, technical assistance and training for parents, students and professionals about children’s educational entitlements and due process rights in New York City.
Montauk Point Lighthouse -Â situated at the eastern tip of Long Island in Montauk Point State Park.
Self-Advocacy Association of New York State
The Self-Advocacy Association of New York State, Inc. (SANYS), is a not-for profit, grassroots organization run by and for people with developmental disabilities. Our goal is to help create a person-centered and person-directed system of supports. To further this goal, the SANYS executive board supports self-advocates and self-advocacy groups regionally and statewide, encouraging them to speak for themselves individually and collectively.
New York Apple Store, 5th Avenue
Commission on Quality of Care and Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities
New York Cinema
Sensory Friendly Film Events
AMC Entertainment (AMC) and the Autism Society have teamed up to bring families affected by autism and other disabilities a special opportunity to enjoy their favorite films in a safe and accepting environment on a monthly basis with the “Sensory Friendly Films” program. Read More>>
From the Archives New York Magazine “The New Wave of Autism Rights Activistsâ€:
New York Street
“New York Daily Photoâ€:
New York University
“New York Guideâ€:
Downtown New York
“New York Factsâ€:
The view from Top of the Rock on Rockefeller Plaza is a must see when visiting New York.
“New York Mapâ€:
The Plaza Hotel
“New York Photosâ€:
New York Apartments
“New York Quizâ€:
“New York Restaurantsâ€:
Clinton St Baking Company
“Clinton St Baking Company & Restaurantâ€:
“Clinton St Baking Company Cookbookâ€:
“For College students with ADHD, Self-Help book has both style, substanceâ€:
“Diagnosis of ADHD on the riseâ€:
“Town Hall Theatre ‘Distracted’ actors take on ADHDâ€:
“Fetal exposure to cellphone radiation tied to ADHD-like symptoms in miceâ€:
“Inattentive ADHD: Three Action Points for parentsâ€:
“ADHD and peer pressureâ€:
“Behind the Scenes look at ADHD treatmentâ€:
“CiteULike: Neuronal correlates of ADHD in adults with evidence for compensation strategies – a functional MRI study with a Go/No-Go paradigmâ€:
“Mixed blessings on ADHD drugâ€:
“Helping children thrive with LD/ADHDâ€:
“Connecting the dots between snoring, attention deficit, and hyperactivityâ€:
ADRES “Adverse Drug Reaction Electronic System(Adverse Drug Reactions Website)â€- This website provides patients, doctors, and other medical professionals with a comprehensive examination of adverse drug reactions (ADRs), side effects, and other safety information for both prescription and over-the-counter medications.. Our goal is to allow users of our website make informed decisions when taking (patients) or prescribing (doctors) drugs. We are providing unmatched information and analysis tools.
Our objective is to promote awareness to AD/HD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) and to provide information and as much free practical help as we can to those affected by the condition, both adults and children, their families in the UK and around the World via this website.
“ADDISS†The National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service…
“hi2u ADHD Pagesâ€:
“James Durbin is a STAR …
James Durbin, the former ‘American Idol’ contestant and resident rocker, has been confirmed as the spokesperson for the be a STAR Alliance, which is an anti-bullying initiative that was founded by the Creative Coalition and the WWE. Over 50 national organizations are a part of the alliance. Stamping out the pervasive bullying epidemic is of particular personal significance to Durbin, who was bullied since he suffered from a combination of Asperger’s Syndrome and Tourette’s syndrome.â€:
“The AutisMusic Projectâ€:
“Eric Jianiâ€:
GLIMPSE – the talents of the autism community
They are painters, sculptors and photographers; poets and storytellers; musicians and creators of amazing video games. They are kids, teens and adults. Last year, a new online publication arose to celebrate the talents of autistic individuals and other developmental disabilities: GLIMPSE, offered by ICDL (The Interdisciplinary Council of Developmental and Learning Disorders). In late 2008, Volume 2 of GLIMPSE was released, and was expanded into a print book and notecards. The works are serious, humourous, deeply personal and illuminating. See it for yourself, share it with others, submit your own/your child’s work for inclusion. Find information and ordering details at www.icdl.com
“Artisancam: an award winning interactive website that gives an insight into the lives of contemporary visual artists(aimed at school-aged children, parents/teachers)â€:
“ARTROOM ………where under 17s can make and display art onlineâ€:
“Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close is a ploddingly earnest tearjerkerâ€:
“Berkeley’s Aurora Theatre explores Asperger’s syndromeâ€:
“Actors for Autismâ€:
Reading Club “Navigating Love and Autismâ€:
Jennifer Cook O’Toole “Celebrating Aspergers is celebrating Aspies. Always. In all ways … As the “Aspie Mommy†married to an “Aspie Hubbie†and Chief Operating Officer of our three Asperkids, EVERY day is a symphony of conscious choices, expenses and obligations that are my privilege to oblige. To us, supporting and celebrating neurodiversity isn’t a rally cry or Facebook cause. Celebrating Aspergers is celebrating Aspies. Always. In all ways.â€:
“Josh Muggleton’s Top Tips for people on the Autism Spectrumâ€:
“One man chronicles living with Asperger’sâ€:
“Picoult is a masterful interpreter of controversyâ€:
“Books offer suggestions for helping children copeâ€:
Dancing with Max “Taking life ‘to the Max’: Emily Colson talks about the joys and trials of raising an autistic childâ€:
 “Different … Not Lessâ€
Temple Grandin
 “Raising Martians – from Crash-landing to Leaving Home: How to Help a Child with Asperger Syndrome or High-functioning Autismâ€
Joshua Muggleton
Foreword by Tony Attwood
 “An Exceptional Children’s Guide to Touch: Teaching Social and Physical Boundaries to Kidsâ€
Hunter Manasco
Illustrated by Katharine Manasco
“Asperkids: An Insider’s Guide to Loving, Understanding, and Teaching Children with Asperger Syndromeâ€
Jennifer Cook O’Toole
Foreword by Liane Holliday Willey
 “Autism and Flexischoolingâ€
Clare Lawrence
Foreword by Luke Beardon
 “Active Support: Enabling and Empowering People with Intellectual Disabilitiesâ€
Jim Mansell and Julie Beadle-Brown
 “Teaching Your Child with Love and Skill: A Guide for Parents and Other Educators of Children with Autism, Including Moderate to Severe Autismâ€:
Joyce Show
 “Parenting Girls on the Autism Spectrum: Overcoming the Challenges and Celebrating the Giftsâ€
Eileen Riley-Hall
Foreword by Shana Nichols
Wishing all a Safe & Happy Easter!
Take Care,
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