It’s the last thing you want to do when you’re anxious — that is, to be kind to yourself. After all, you’re anxious for no good reason. Again. And this is the third time today that you’ve felt your stomach take a nosedive and your entire body shake.
Having anxiety is incredibly frustrating. Our first impulse might be to lash out at ourselves. But what’s more helpful is to be kind, instead — even though it might feel unnatural at first. Because lashing out only boosts our anxiety, worsening our symptoms (not to mention it also sinks our mood). Self-compassion, on the other hand, calms us. It means soothing ourselves when we need it most.
“Kindness comes in infinite forms,†said Lea Seigen Shinraku, MFT, a therapist in private practice in San Francisco. Sometimes, kindness is taking a walk or talking to a friend or watching your favorite TV show to distract yourself, she said.
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