Want to make real community integration a reality in your state?  Interested in learning how you can use the rule to improve services in your state?  The Autistic Self Advocacy Network, in partnership with NDRN, AUCD, NACDD and the Collaboration for the Promotion of Self-Determination, invite you to join us for a new Tuesday webinar series on the new Home and Community Based Services settings regulation.  Learn how the new HCBS settings regulation will impact services in your state and how your advocacy can make the difference between integration and segregation for people with disabilities. Click here to register for our exciting upcoming webinar series. Tell your friends and spread the word!  September 30th 1-2:30 PM EST Topic: Introduction and overview of new CMS HCBS Settings Rule  In the aftermath of CMS’ recent regulation defining acceptable and unacceptable settings for Home and Community Based Services, states and stakeholders are now considering how to transition their service-provision systems into compliance with the new CMS requirements for greater integration. This webinar will provide an overview of the new regulation, placing particular emphasis on the role that state level advocates can play in influencing how it will be interpreted and implemented.  October 7 1-2:30 PM EST Topic: The New HCBS Rule – How Does it Affect Housing for People with Disabilities?!  The new home and community-based service (HCBS) rule from the Centers for Medicaid & Medicare Services (CMS) states that “home and community-based settings do not include nursing facilities, institutions for mental diseases, intermediate care facilities for mentally retarded, hospitals, or any other locations that have the qualities of an institutional setting as determined by the Secretary.† The new HCBS rule establishes specific qualities that a home must exhibit in order for a state to qualify for federal HCBS funding including being integrated in the community, supporting independence, involving individual choice, and protecting individuals from coercion and restraint. This webinar will walk through these specific requirements, the federal guidance, and a step by step analysis of changes that may need to occur in your state.  Speakers will also discuss how the rule aligns with and moves forward the mandate from Congress and the U.S. Supreme Court that states must design and deliver federally funded services in a manner that does not unduly isolate or segregate individuals with disabilities.  October 14th, 1-2:30 PM EST Topic: Stakeholder Engagement and the HCBS Settings Rule – State and National Perspectives  The new home and community-based services (HCBS) will require significant changes to the Medicaid HCBS program. Such a large change to the program must include robust engagement with individuals with disabilities, their families, and other stakeholders. While the rule requires public comment, advocates are encouraging states to use that public comment period as the minimum, not the maximum, of public engagement. Come to this webinar to learn about how states are engaging stakeholders in the process and how state and national advocacy organizations are organizing to support stakeholders and states in the process.  October 21 1-2:30 PM EST Topic: Employment/Day guidance  As CMS articulates a new standard for what will and will not constitute Home and Community Based Services, advocates and policymakers are paying close attention to the implication for day and employment services. Many expect that new regulation will have a profound impact on integration in day and employment activities. Join us to learn more about the potential impact and how to influence implementation relevant to employment and day services.  October 28 1-2:30 PM EST Title: Enforcement and Monitoring of HCBS Rules  Topic: Presenters will discuss strategies for individuals to enforce HCBS rule requirements; and mechanisms for states to monitor compliance with the rules over the long term. Speakers will highlight potential areas where individuals may face issues in implementation of HCBS rules and available advocacy options, such as grievances or appeals. Examples may include: when assessments of need do not reflect the standard of integration reflected in the regulations; conflict of interest or provider qualification standards are not met; and managed care utilization controls discourage fidelity to person-centered planning. Lastly, presenters will offer tips advocates can use to urge states to include monitoring and enforcement mechanisms in state HCBS Transition Plans.  |
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