In this interesting and informative new series of short videos, Will discusses various aspects of Aspergers with Theresa Cutts …
Aspects of Aspergers. Social Phobia
Author Will Hadcroft in conversation with Theresa Cutts discussing how the social difficulties that affect people with Aspergers Syndrome, affect his daily life …
Aspects of Aspergers – Social Confidence
In my previous video, I spoke about how Asperger’s syndrome causes phobia and panic which leads to dark depression when I’m put in a situation where I must socialise. This time I talk about the paradox – what happens when someone hands me a microphone! Most people dread having to talk or perform to audiences. The bigger the audience, the more ill they get. But, for me, it’s the other way around. Watch this little film to find out why …
Aspects of Aspergers – Social Cues
My latest little video, this time looking at misreading facial expressions and body language, and the trouble it can cause…
Aspects of Aspergers – Obsessions, Growing Up
My short video on what it’s like to struggle with obsessive thinking and behaviour, and what it can be like for those living with such a person…
Will’s autobiography, The Feeling’s Unmutual is available from Amazon or signed copies from www.willhadcroft.com Join in on Facebook at www.facebook.com/thefeelingsunmutual
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