Inspiration is everywhere — from the words of your favorite writer to the blooms and leaves on your morning walk. You just need to open your eyes, and breathe it in.
Sometimes it helps to talk to others who are creative to get ideas about what gets their creativity juices flowing.
Here, 10 creative people share the various things that inspire their beautiful works.
Breanna Radermacher is a print and web designer in the Minneapolis area.
As a designer, I find myself planted in front of a computer screen for long hours at a time; it’s a part of my job, after all. While it’s easy to say that I find loads of inspiration through visual blogs and social media websites like Pinterest (which I do), the truth is that I’m most inspired by stepping away from the screen.
Whether I’m going for a walk around town or road-tripping across the states, it’s always a breath of fresh air. Intriguing and different. Inspiration, truly, is everywhere. You just need to open your eyes a little bit to see it all around you.
Melissa Tydell is a Chicago-based freelance writer.
It sometimes feels so innate, so natural to me as a writer, and I think I find inspiration in many places and spaces…Reading other people’s writing gets my imagination working.
I do some of my best thinking when I can’t sleep in the middle of the night or when I’m away from my computer; in those quiet moments, I sometimes practically “writeâ€Â an entire piece in my head before I actually sit down to type it out. But in thinking more about your question…
I find inspiration in the everyday. I am fascinated by relationships of all types–happy ones, complicated ones, unusual ones. Through writing, I often attempt to dissect the meaning behind something that has happened or to describe a particular feeling or emotion.
I enjoy the challenge of communicating what we each experience in our everyday lives, bringing those unique moments to life through words and sentences.
And what is really wonderful about writing is that I can pass on that inspiration; if I can clearly communicate some aspect of life, if I can inform or entertain the people who read my writing, I may also have the opportunity to inspire them as well.
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