Archive for February, 2012
“Boy, 15, shot to death after attacking police had autism disorderâ€:
Respite Care Death “Boy’s death: Carers ‘made assurancesâ€:
“Autistic teen dies in fall down Gold Coast high-rise trash chuteâ€:
“Troy 6th grader hit by car diesâ€:
“Autistic Castleford boy Joshua Houlgate, 10, collapses and dies while building a snowmanâ€:
“Help Stop Abuse of Autistics in France Now!â€:
“NJ parents: Disabled girl denied transplantâ€:
“Judge ruled mentally ill woman should be given abortion, sterilizedâ€:
“School principal rescues autistic student from riverâ€:
“Saved by a punch: Boy, 13, is given life preserving treatment after playground knockout led to discovery of undiagnosed heart conditionâ€:
“Ho Yide: Father forces son, 4, to strip to his underwear in New York snow to combat developmental difficultiesâ€:
“School Bus Bullying: Autistic child brutally beatenâ€:
“Video of autistic child’s attack posted on Facebookâ€:
“Mother of autistic boy levels charges of bullying at Malverne schoolâ€:
“London: Disabled protesters block Regent Streetâ€:
“PM warned over vulnerable familiesâ€:
Australia “Kids with disabilities left in limboâ€:
China “Privately-run orphange gets gov’t fundâ€:
“Group may fight disability rulingâ€:
Gary McKinnon Update “Hearing set for July in hacking extradition caseâ€:
“May’s U-turn on US extradition treatyâ€:
“Gary McKinnon Update: Judges bid to speed up hacking caseâ€:
“Obama quizzed on Briton extraditionâ€:
“Autreat 2012 Call for Proposalsâ€:
“Mum Demet Latifoglu dies a heroâ€:
“Early signs of autism detected at six months/Anxiety, other disorders more common in autismâ€:
“Twin Studies: Low birth rate strong predictor of ASDâ€:
“Autism: Black children diagnosed laterâ€:
“New study shows minority autistic toddlers are more delayed than affected caucasian peersâ€:
“New gene discovery unlocks mystery of epilepsy in infantsâ€:
“New definition of autism will exclude many, study suggests/Psychiatric group push to redefine mental illness sparks revoltâ€:
“Study on the changing diagnosis of autismâ€:
“Shy children could be labelled as mentally illâ€:
“Should grief be considered a disorder?â€:
“Mental health beds for Hamilton kidsâ€:
Angelman Syndrome “New clinic for rare disorder(Includes Related Articles, Links & Books)â€:
“CiteULike: Outcome in High-Functioning Autistic Adults With and Without Early Language Delays: Implications for the Differentiation Between Autism and Asperger Syndromeâ€:
“CiteULike: Autism and Asperger syndrome: coexistence with other clinical disordersâ€:
“What are the safety concerns for people on the autism spectrum?â€:
“OCD and Reassuranceâ€:
“Mystery outbreak of tourette’s at US school baffles doctorsâ€:
“Top ten legal drugs linked to violence/SSRI Storiesâ€:
“Tinnitus Awareness Week: What your doctor should knowâ€:
“Automated CT scans could speed up 3D brain imagingâ€:
“9 ways to take care of yourself when you have depressionâ€:
“Why do some people never get depressed?â€:
“MindHacks: Inside Broadmoorâ€:
“BPS Research Digest: The Special Issue Spotterâ€:
“How ‘Beckham tape’ can help you beat headaches: More than 10 million of us suffer from the painâ€:
“Signs of Low Self-Esteemâ€:
“February Is Heart Health Month – National Wear Red Day Feb 24/These Four Things Happen Right Before a Heart Attackâ€:
“Physical activity yields feelings of excitement, enthusiasmâ€:
“5 Relationship Skills for Conflictâ€:
“Relationships: Is It Time To Start Dating Your Spouse?, Living Alone, Online Dating, Teen Love, The Seven Year Itch & More …â€:
“Virtual Hospitalâ€:

“ASAN invites autistic students to participate in leadership trainingâ€:
“University program helps autistic students … When he was 2, doctors diagnosed Pusateri of Sewickley with autism, a spectrum of disorders characterized by social impairment and communication problems. He’s not intellectually impaired; his professors say he’s among their brightest students. He just lacks an intuitive understanding of the unconscious gestures, invisible boundaries and tiny signals that weave into our social fabric. But he’s learning.â€:
“Mother’s fears for son’s future … The mother, whose 16-year-old son was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome and currently has the help of a dedicated classroom assistant in school, said she saw the Minister for Education’s announcement about changes to the Special Education Needs (SEN) policy as nothing more than “a cost-cutting exercise†and added that, as she sees it, schools are struggling to cope as it is.â€:
“7th grader shows he has mettle for College Chemistryâ€:
“Mansfield professor researches autism, child prodigiesâ€:
“Parents urge school board to make Special Education a priorityâ€:
“School stresses the importance of learning about differently-abled childrenâ€:
“University of Utah: 3D modelling software SketchUp helps autistic kids build skillsâ€:
“Other school districts also using iPads to help teachâ€:
“Richmond County schools excited about Apple iBooks 2â€:
“Robbinsdale Schools Paraprofessional Diane Olsonâ€:
“Jenn Ashworth: Why I refused to go to schoolâ€:
Athletics “Johnson provides insight and inspirationâ€:
“Calvin College runner says competing in track, cross country helps him overcome disabilityâ€:
“Wellington Elementary staff raises awareness of autism … Wellington Elementary staff enjoyed the hospitality of Trietsch Memorial United Methodist Church’s mini-movie theatre on the Jan. 13 teacher workday. Nothing like movie theatre popcorn and a big screen showing of “Temple Grandin” to get the staff thinking about how they can modify and accommodate instruction for students with autism and Asperger’s syndrome. Principal Dr. Robin Macke hopes the movie will serve as inspiration for her teachers.â€:

“JVS Career Center: People with ASD have much to offer employersâ€:
“7 ways you can work from home productivelyâ€:
“The hidden costs of a job you loatheâ€:
Asperger Informatik AG “Professionelles Webdesign und Software Testing in Zurichâ€:
“Creative Support Ltdâ€:
“Autelligent Laboratories
We believe all people have a contribution to make and deserve an opportunity to be productive.
With your caring and excellent help, we are creating jobs for the 40 million people worldwide who are diagnosed with Autism and Asperger Syndrome. Today less than one in five of us are currently employed. We are motivated and competent and we deserve equal employment. Help make this a reality.
Autelligent Laboratories is dedicated to creating a space where autistic software engineers can more than contribute, we can excel.â€:
Luxury Quality Scented Candles “Humbolt Candles – Autism & Disability Employment Companyâ€:
Individuality, Diversity, Equality, Achievement
Auties..org is an Aspie & Autie friendly site for all people on the Autistic Spectrum who are ready to dare reach out to occupation and employment, open the doors to the community and market their abilities directly to the public and for those interested in supporting these pioneers.
Linking job seekers with vacancies in work related to autism, Aspergers and ASDs
“Employment within the NASâ€:
“For further employment information, please viewâ€:

“I see my son with Asperger’s and see potentialâ€:
“Autism Roundtable: Cross-Disability Solidarity, Goals for the Future, and What it Means to “Fit inâ€:
“In Praise of Diversityâ€:
Through Their Eyes “Amazing calendar from autistic individuals now availableâ€:
“When are autistic teens ready to drive?â€:
“Ricky Stuart opens up about autism and his daughter Emmaâ€:
“Holidaying with autistic children all about planning aheadâ€:
“IBM 5 in 5: Predictions for the Future of Tech in 5 yearsâ€:
“Cerebral palsy lad wows model worldâ€:
“Learning to live with asperger’sâ€:

Flag of the State of New Jersey
“New Jersey State Resourcesâ€:
New Jersey Landscape
“Disability Rights New Jerseyâ€:
Great Falls, Paterson, New Jersey:The Great Falls / S.U.M. National Historic Landmark district is a 118-acre industrial historic site located in Paterson, New Jersey. Located just 12 miles west of New York City, it is home to the largest and best example of early manufacturing mills in the United States. It contains 18th, 19th, and 20th-century waterpower remnants, including a three-tiered water raceway system. At the district’s core is the natural landmark Great Falls, the second largest waterfall by volume east of the Mississippi.
“New Jersey Coalition for Inclusive Educationâ€:
Beautiful New Jersey
“New Jersey Department of Education – Special Education Programsâ€:
New Jersey shares the Delaware Water Gap with neighboring Pennsylvania.
“Education Law Centerâ€:
One of several oceanfront mansions at Sea Bright, an Atlantic Ocean resort that is fairly close to Fort Monmouth
“Asperger Syndrome Education Network (ASPEN)â€:
South Findlay Street in Basking Ridge, NJ
“Autism Family Services of New Jerseyâ€:
Merril Creek, NJ
“New Jersey Resourcesâ€:
New Jersey Palisades overlooking the Hudson River
“New Jersey Guideâ€:
New Urbanism in New Jersey: This is a street in Livingston Town Center, a new development in Livingston, New Jersey. It’s a compact block mixing detached houses, townhouses, condo apartments, and stores with each other in a walkable mixed-use neighborhood – the kind of streetscape that towns used to build before cookie-cutter autocentric suburban developments came along. The New Urbanist movement supports developments like this as a form of traditional neighborhood development, or TND – everything you need (including a transit stop) within a walk of each other, with building density that encourages community among the residents. Note how the houses here are close together, rather than being set on their own one-acre pods.
“New Jersey Factsâ€:
Beautiful Victorian homes line the wide side streets of the charming New Jersey Shore Town. It is a family resort located on the North Jersey Shore.
“New Jersey Mapâ€:
Stony Brook University Vs Rutgers University
“New Jersey Local Newsâ€:
George Washington after the Battle of Princeton.
Learn more …http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Princeton
“New Jersey’s Best Restaurants Guideâ€:

“ADD and Loving It?!â€:
“Child ADHD Help: Top 5 ways to take care of a child with ADHDâ€:
BOOK “Getting Your ADHD Child to the Aha Moment: Effective School and Homework Strategiesâ€:
“CiteULike: ADHD medications and risk of serious cardiovascular events in young and middle-aged adultsâ€:
“CiteULike: Genetic epidemiology of ADHD in adultsâ€:
“Comorbidities may signal which kids keep ASD diagnosisâ€:
“New study looks at medication use of kids with ASD, ADHDâ€:
“How to treat ADHD without medsâ€:
“Can a case be made for linking ADHD and anxiety?â€:
“2 million Ritalin doses prescribed in Scotland last yearâ€:
“Why Ritalin is Wrong (Or … IS Ritalin Wrong?â€:
“An update on ADHD drug shortagesâ€:
“What is ADHD and how does it work?â€:
“Physical activity program leads to better behavior for children with ADHDâ€:
“Children with ADHD benefit from healthy lifestyle options as first-line treatmentâ€:
“Lessons from the film ‘Limitlessâ€:
“Organize your mind to organize your lifeâ€:
ADRES “Adverse Drug Reaction Electronic System(Adverse Drug Reactions Website)â€- This website provides patients, doctors, and other medical professionals with a comprehensive examination of adverse drug reactions (ADRs), side effects, and other safety information for both prescription and over-the-counter medications.. Our goal is to allow users of our website make informed decisions when taking (patients) or prescribing (doctors) drugs. We are providing unmatched information and analysis tools.
Our objective is to promote awareness to AD/HD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) and to provide information and as much free practical help as we can to those affected by the condition, both adults and children, their families in the UK and around the World via this website.
“ADDISS†The National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service…
“hi2u ADHD Pagesâ€:

“The AutisMusic Projectâ€:

“Katie Miller: A Beautiful Mindâ€:
8 Year Old Mollee Cunningham Raises Funds For Autistic Twin Brother’s Classroom “Update: Young Fircrest artist’s fundraising project soars and makes dreams come trueâ€:
“14 tips for making your arts venue more family friendlyâ€:
GLIMPSE – the talents of the autism community
They are painters, sculptors and photographers; poets and storytellers; musicians and creators of amazing video games. They are kids, teens and adults. Last year, a new online publication arose to celebrate the talents of autistic individuals and other developmental disabilities: GLIMPSE, offered by ICDL (The Interdisciplinary Council of Developmental and Learning Disorders). In late 2008, Volume 2 of GLIMPSE was released, and was expanded into a print book and notecards. The works are serious, humourous, deeply personal and illuminating. See it for yourself, share it with others, submit your own/your child’s work for inclusion in Volume 3, to release later this year. Find information and ordering details at www.icdl.com
“Artisancam: an award winning interactive website that gives an insight into the lives of contemporary visual artists(aimed at school-aged children, parents/teachers)â€:
“ARTROOM ………where under 17s can make and display art onlineâ€:

“John Corbett on ‘A Smile As Big AS The Moon,’ playing Mike Kersjes and why he almost wasn’t an actorâ€:
“Can Hollywood help re-shape people’s attitudes about autism?â€:
“Extremely Loud’ boasts incredibly fine performancesâ€:
“Extremely Loud & Incredibly Closeâ€:
“Extremely Loud and Incredibly Closeâ€:
“Outcry as ‘Extremely Loud’ picks up Oscar nominationâ€:
“The Man in the Middle, Theatre 503, Londonâ€:
“Shows with female leads dominated TV in 2011â€:
“Danes takes home Pudding awardâ€:
“Actors for Autismâ€:

Russell Lehmann “Reno author’s work explores life with autismâ€:
BOOK Review “I Wish I Were Engulfed in Flames … Jeni Decker’s relentlessly funny, behind-the-curtains view of everyday life in her family of autistic boys is so perfectly titled—I Wish I Were Engulfed in Flames: My Insane Life Raising Two Boys With Autism—that Hollywood, which has been known to pirate a thing or two, may want to snatch it out right.â€:

 “Asperkids: An Insider’s Guide to Loving, Understanding, and Teaching Children with Asperger Syndromeâ€
Jennifer Cook O’Toole
 “Autism and Flexischooling: A Shared Classroom and Homeschooling Approachâ€
Clare Lawrence
Foreword by Luke Beardon
 “Getting into the Game: Sports Programs for Kids with Autismâ€
Veronica Smith and Stephanie Y Patterson
Foreword by Dr Connie Kasari
 “Teaching Your Child with Love and Skill: A Guide for Parents and Other Educators of Children with Autism, including Moderate to Severe Autismâ€
Joyce Show
 “The Asperger Children’s Toolkitâ€
Francis Musgrave
 “Raising Martians – from Crash-landing to Leaving Home: How to Help a Child with Asperger Syndrome or High-functioning Autism
Joshua Muggleton
Foreword by Tony Attwood
 “Everyday Activities to Help Your Young Child with Autism Live Life to the Full: Simple Exercises to Boost Functional Skills, Sensory Processing, Coordination and Self-Careâ€
Debra S. Jacobs and Dion E. Betts
Foreword by Carol A. Just
 “Safety Skills for Asperger Women: How to Save a Perfectly Good Female Lifeâ€
Liane Holliday Willey
Foreword by Tony Attwood
“Responding to Self-Harm in Children and Adolescents: A Professionals Guide to Identification, Intervention and Supportâ€
Steven Walker
 “Developmental Speech-Language Training through Music for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Theory and Clinical Applicationâ€
Hayoung A. Lim
Foreword by Karen Miller
Take Care,
Statue of Liberty
ScienceDaily (Feb. 8, 2012) — People who are more physically active report greater levels of excitement and enthusiasm than people who are less physically active, according to Penn State researchers. People also are more likely to report feelings of excitement and enthusiasm on days when they are more physically active than usual.
“You don’t have to be the fittest person who is exercising every day to receive the feel-good benefits of exercise,” said David Conroy, professor of kinesiology. “It’s a matter of taking it one day at a time, of trying to get your activity in, and then there’s this feel-good reward afterwards.”
Conroy added that it often is hard for people to commit to an exercise program because they tend to set longterm rather than short-term goals.
“When people set New Year’s resolutions, they set them up to include the entire upcoming year, but that can be really overwhelming,” he said. “Taking it one day at a time and savoring that feel-good effect at the end of the day might be one step to break it down and get those daily rewards for activity. Doing this could help people be a little more encouraged to stay active and keep up the program they started.”
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Small talk. That smile. You are special. How sweet. Be mine. Love you. I am yours. Only you. Soul mate. True love. Marry me. Live happily ever after.
You got together with your life partner for many reasons: shared perspectives and outlooks, physical attraction, shared spirituality, shared professional lives, etc. But you also enjoyed one another’s company because it’s fun! In the beginning, you did not have much but each other, but it was enough. There were sweet words, long phone talks, walks and candlelit dinners. You had meaningful conversations, shared your dreams and goals, planned your future together.
What is your relationship like today? Does it still include fun times and romance? Or have you resorted to talking about and handling chores and responsibilities related to children, career and other duties of adult life?
When fun leaves a relationship, it can be a sign that the relationship is heading toward the rocks. Fun is a part of life and it’s definitely a part of any healthy relationship. It’s something that brought you together, made you want to stay with each other. It is something that helps you stay together, survive life’s hardships and forgive each other in bitter moments.
When life gets difficult, it puts a heavy weight on your scale of marital balance, dragging it down. Good times together is the weight that you put on the other side of the scale, to give you a much-needed internal lift. It helps you put things in perspective, balance it out and feel good about yourself, your partner, and your life together.
The way you and your significant other define fun is up to you, but it’s important to keep doing it even as your relationship matures. Love to dance but haven’t been in years? It’s time to make a new dance date. Liked watching movies together, but haven’t made time to do it in months (or years)? Pick a night and head to a theater or rent a movie. Have dinner in a restaurant or cook a meal together at home.
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What is Life Like for Singles Who Wanted to Marry?
I am single at heart. I love my single life. There is not a day in my life when I wished I were married – though there are many days when I wish I had all of the perks and protections of married people, or that I wouldn’t be excluded from events simply because I am single.
Other singles, though, do want to marry, including some who are in their 40s and beyond and have been single the whole time. How do they feel about their lives? That’s the topic of a cover story in this Sunday’s Washington Post Magazine.
You might think that people willing to tell a reporter for a national newspaper that they wanted to be married and they are still single, would tell life stories full of sorrow and loneliness and woe. That’s not at all how they described their lives. I quoted some of them elsewhere, so here I’ll just mention one more person from the article – James, who is 48.
James has dated often throughout his adult life. For a long time, he was “certain his time would come.†Here’s how the story continues:
Read More …
Living Alone: 12 Things You Didn’t Know
Think you know what it means to live alone? Even if you are have your own personal experiences living solo, and know lots of other people who do, too, chances are that you have been misled by the media and other myth-makers about what solo life is really like.
The most significant, intensive, and far-reaching study of solo living is described in Eric Klinenberg’s book, Going Solo: The Extraordinary Rise and Surprising Appeal of Living Alone. Due out tomorrow (February 2, 2012), it is a thoughtful and engaging book, and I highly recommend that you read every word. Here, I’ve plucked out just a dozen of the many revelations about solo living that you can find in the book. Enjoy!
- 1. In the United States, there are fewer households comprised of mom, dad, and the kids than of single people living on their own. About 31 million Americans live alone.
- 2. Have you heard the one about how single people need to “settle down� Well, singles living solo are already settled. Follow them, and people in other households types, over a five year period and you will find that the solo-dwellers are one of the most stable types.
- 3. Do you think that living solo is mostly for the very young adults and the very old (typically women who have outlived their husbands)? Wrong on both counts. The majority of people living on their own are between the ages of 35 and 65.
- 4. The percentage of single-person households in the U.S. is high. But the 28% figure is far outpaced by the 40 to 45% of single-person households in Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Denmark. In Stockholm, almost two-thirds of all households consist of just one person.
- 5. Living alone is not the same as feeling alone or isolated. In fact, “cities with high numbers of singletons enjoy a thriving public culture†(p. 18). If you live solo in a city and want to be with other people, often you can just walk out the door.
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Reviewed by John M. Grohol, Psy.D. on February 7, 2012
The growth of the online dating industry has been nothing short of spectacular. But a new Northwestern University study suggests the current science behind the industry is weak as cyber matchmakers use ineffective algorithms and profiles for finding potential love interests.
Researchers say improvements are on the horizon as mobile dating, the latest iteration in digital dating, holds promise as it brings together potential partners face-to-face fast to see if “sparks†exist.
Although the research on mobile dating is scarce, Eli Finkel, associate professor of psychology at Northwestern and lead author of the study, is optimistic about this approach.
“GPS features on smartphone apps can tell you who is nearby and willing to be browsed,†Finkel said. “With a little bit of basic information, potential daters can get together right away for a quick face-to-face meet-up.â€
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Young Love Really Can Hurt: Parents Can Use Valentine’s Month to Teach Safe Dating for Teens
ScienceDaily (Feb. 7, 2012) — Teen dating: it’s a subject that causes many parents to shudder and shy away. But romance is a fact of life for young people, and parents can use Valentine’s Day to start important conversations with their teens or pre-teens that can make dating and relationships safer for them — not just now but throughout their lives.
The experts at Youth Villages say there’s a dark side to puppy love.
*Approximately one in three adolescent girls in the United States is a victim of physical, emotional or verbal abuse from a dating partner.
* One in four teen girls in a relationship says she has been threatened with violence or experienced verbal abuse, and 13 percent of teens say they were physically hurt on purpose by a boyfriend or girlfriend.
* Forty-five percent of girls know a friend or peer who has been pressured into having intercourse or oral sex.
These statistics were compiled by the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta.
The Internet, social media and cell phones have opened up new avenues for improper, even illegal behavior, among teenagers. Teens can be harassed or ridiculed through texts or Facebook posts. And one in five teen girls has electronically sent or posted nude or nearly nude photos or videos.
What’s a parent to do? Kristin Landers, a clinical program manager for Youth Villages, a private nonprofit with the mission to help children with emotional, behavioral and mental health issues and their families, said to help teens date safely, lines of communication have to be open, and parents must pay attention. Here are some tips:
Read More …
9 Tips For Building a Loving Relationship
This guest article from YourTango was written by Dr. Lynda Klau.Â
How many of us have learned how to build loving relationships? Where did we learn? At home? At school? There is an art and science to building strong relationships. These indispensable tips were written with romantic relationships in mind, but with a little modification you can apply them to your friendships, family and even work relationships.
1. Create a safe environment where you can trust and share openly without being afraid.
Don’t interrupt, even if you need to put your hand over your mouth to stop yourself. Learn to fight fairly. No name calling. Don’t make threats. Apologize when you know you should. If you’re too angry to really listen, stop! Go into another room, take space for yourself, breathe and “calm down.â€
Remember: your partner is not the enemy.
2. Separate the facts from the feelings.
What beliefs and feelings get triggered in you during conflicts? Ask yourself: Is there something from my past that is influencing how I’m seeing the situation now? The critical question you want to ask: Is this about him or her, or is it really about me? What’s the real truth? Once you’re able to differentiate facts from feelings, you’ll see your partner more clearly and be able to resolve conflicts from clarity.
3. Connect with the different parts of yourself.
Each of us is not a solo instrument. We’re more like a choir or an orchestra with several voices. What is your mind saying? What is your heart saying? What is your body saying? What is your ‘gut’ saying? For example: My mind is saying ‘definitely leave her,’ but my heart says ‘I really love her.’ Let these different voices or parts of you co-exist and speak to one another. In this way, you will find an answer that comes from your whole self.
4. Develop and cultivate compassion.
Practice observing yourself and your partner without judging. Part of you might judge, but you don’t have to identify with it. Judging closes a door. The opposite of judging is compassion. When you are compassionate, you are open, connected, and more available to dialoging respectfully with your partner. As you increasingly learn to see your partner compassionately, you will have more power to choose your response rather than just reacting.
5. Create a “we†that can house two “I’sâ€.
The foundation for a thriving, growing, mutually-supportive relationship is to be separate and connected. In co-dependent relationships, each person sacrifices part of him or her self, compromising the relationship as a whole. When you are separate and connected, each individual “I†contributes to the creation of a “we†that is stronger than the sum of its parts.
The differences between you and your partner are not negatives. You don’t need to be with someone who shares all of your interests and views. We may sometimes fear that these differences are incompatibilities, but in fact, they’re often what keeps a relationship exciting and full of good fire.
6. Partner, heal thyself.
Don’t expect your partner to fill your emotional holes, and don’t try to fill theirs. Ultimately, each of us can only heal ourselves. Your partner, however, can be supportive as you work with yourself, and vice versa. In fact, living in a loving relationship is healing in and of itself.
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The Seven Year Itch: Theories of Marriage, Divorce, and Love
Why many couples fall in love, get married, and then get divorced
Friday, February 03 2012 by Catherine Brand
UNC Chapel Hill this afternoon will officially mark the opening of its new Comprehensive Angelman Syndrome Clinic at the Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities. Anne Wheeler is a psychologist at CIDD; she’s also co-coordinator for the new clinic. She says Angelman Syndrome is a rare congenital disorder that occurs in about 1 in 15-thousand births.
Anne Wheeler: And it’s associated with a whole host of lifelong challenges and disorders, autistic-like behaviors, significant intellectual and behavioral disabilities… language disorders, lack of speech for a lot of them, frequent seizures, motor imbalance probs, so it’s pretty significant.
Wheeler says treatment of the disorder is integrative and complex. The clinic will bring together specialists from fields including neurology, speech therapy, genetics, and physical therapy. Wheeler says the clinic is the first of its kind in the country to provide all of these resources under one roof.
Source(Includes Audio):
Related Articles
“Farrell’s Son Diagnosed with Angelman Syndrome”:
“Disrupted Gene Causes Angelman Syndrome”:
“Angelman Syndrome Foundation”:
“Angelman Syndrome Support Education and Research Trust”:
“BBC Health: Angelman Syndrome”:
“Angelman Syndrome Association, Australia”:
“Angelman Syndrome Books”:
Broadmoor Hospital is one of the highest security psychiatric hospitals in the UK and it has made a series of videos that describe what goes on behind their very high walls.
Broadmoor is possibly one of the most famous or infamous hospitals in Britain – largely due to being featured in outraged media stories about ‘sick killers’.
Case in point – a typical article from the pun-obsessed UK tabloid The Sun: “Resident Wii-vil: Serial killers including the Yorkshire Ripper are enjoying £5,000 of Nintendo Wii gaming at taxpayers’ expenseâ€).
What most of the papers miss (or ignore) is that Broadmoor is not a prison but a hospital that treats patients with severe mental disorders who became dangerous when ill.
This means it often receives patients from court cases where people with mental illness are tried for murder or violence. The verdict may be the equivalent of ‘not guilty by reason of insanity’ with the patient remitted to hospital, or ‘guilty’ (meaning that the person was mentally competent when they committed the crime) with high security hospital treatment still required because mental illness increases the chance of violence.
… Link to a video tour of Broadmoor Hospital (via @DrPetra).
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Join thousands of others in February and organise your own red themed event or join in on National Wear Red Day – February 24.
Our fundraising kit is full of ideas and information on how to be a part of Red for Heart.
More about National Wear Red Day
These Four Things Happen Right Before a Heart Attack
By Katrina Turner
Every year, approximately 785,000 Americans suffer a first heart attack. And 470,000 who’ve already had one or more heart attacks have another one. The scary thing is that 25 percent of ALL heart attacks happen “silently,†without clear or obvious symptoms.
Even when symptoms occur, they can be so mild or vague, most people don’t even realize it’s heart-related (unless they are made aware). Four things in particular are the most sinister signs of a silent heart attack.
These four things are the focus of a recent video presentation by renowned cardiovascular expert Dr. Chauncey
Crandall: Silent Heart Attacks: A Special Newsmax Heart Health Report. According to Dr. Crandall, the reason silent heart attacks go untreated is because people don’t even notice the symptoms, so he created a special video presentation to show the four things to look for that may be a silent warning — before it’s too late to intervene and survive the damage.
Timing is the most critical factor for survival. Statistics show a clear link between delay in treatment and disability or death — the amount of time that elapses between the first sign of symptoms and receiving care.
That’s why knowing what to look for in terms of symptoms is critical, especially when they’re the kind that most people don’t think to associate with a heart attack — like the four things in Dr. Crandall’s video,Silent Heart Attacks: A Special Newsmax Heart Health Report.
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By Laurilee McMichael
6:00 AM Wednesday Feb 8, 2012
A tropical family holiday with an autistic child can be successful if you plan ahead, writes Laurilee McMichael.
The minute the cat went into the box, the cat was out of the bag.
“Why is Skittles in the box?” asked 9-year-old Hamish, eyeing the box suspiciously.
“She’s going to the cattery,” I answered, hastily stowing the box and its yowling contents in the car.
“Why’s she going to the cattery?” he asked, even more suspiciously.
“Because …” I answered, taking a deep breath and steeling myself.
“Because … tomorrow we’re going to Fiji.”
“Arrrrrgh! I don’t want to go to Fiji! Arrrrgh!”
And this, with variations, and even a few tears, was what I got for the rest of the day. Reasoning was futile.
“I hate Fiji. Fiji’s stupid. Arrrgh …” And so on, for hours on end.
Hamish, who has Asperger’s syndrome and severe ADHD, hates the idea of change and new things. Even thinking about going somewhere different makes him anxious. So much so that my husband Jarrod and I kept the Fiji trip quiet for two months to avoid him becoming stressed about it.
We also crossed our fingers and hoped that once there, he’d love it.
With Hamish in mind, we’d carefully planned ahead, because one of the really fun things about Asperger’s and autism is that anything unexpected or negative can trigger a screaming meltdown of mammoth proportions, usually guaranteed to attract a crowd of tut-tutting onlookers.
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Edward Joseph Mercure is an amazing kid. Known to most by his nickname “EJ,†this Cranston student is far from ordinary. He is 13 years old, on the autistic spectrum, and is taking a college-level chemistry course.
Several years ago, EJ was diagnosed with ADHD and Asperger’s Syndrome, an autism spectrum disorder that is characterized by impaired social interactions and is commonly called high functioning autism. Since that diagnosis, EJ has had to overcome a lot of obstacles.
“As long as I can remember I have been known as the smart, quirky kid at school,†EJ explains, “and I got teased a lot.â€
The teasing was especially brutal once EJ entered middle school. By the spring of 7th grade at Western Hills, EJ began to melt down. Visits to his guidance counselor, Michael Watson, were a common occurrence. During one such visit, EJ mentioned that he wanted to take a chemistry class. When Watson offered to find some information on a summer science camp, EJ was insistent that it be a college-level course and asked for a letter of recommendation.
“He needed a confidence booster,†said Watson. Hoping for the best, Watson wrote the letter stating that EJ “possesses strong mathematical skills and has a passion for science.â€
In the meantime, EJ was looking into a basic chemistry class at Community College of Rhode Island (CCRI), and he was making strides toward that goal. Due to his young age and social deficits, EJ had to truly prove himself a worthy candidate for such an opportunity. Prior to enrollment, EJ met separately with the Acting Director of Enrollment Services, Terrie Kless, and an Admissions Officer John Araujo. Both explained to him that ultimately he needed the permission of the Chemistry Department Chair, Dr. Elizabeth A. Arendt. So, EJ wrote a heartfelt letter to Dr. Arendt requesting permission to take Basic Skills Chemistry.
Dr. Arendt informed him that his was “a unique request and one that will require a bit of thought.†After reading the supporting documents that EJ provided, Dr. Arendt also said that before any decision was made, EJ would have to take the Chemistry Placement Exam (CPE). This exam is designed to let CCRI know if a student is academically prepared to take classes and would be just one factor in determining his eligibility.
On Friday, June 24 (two days after completing 7th grade), EJ confidently went to the CCRI testing center and took the CPE. The following week, EJ learned that he had done exceptionally well. Dr. Arendt was impressed with EJ’s scores, and she wanted to set up an interview with him. She and EJ talked for over an hour discussing his potential, the possible (if not inevitable) challenges, and the expectations of college-level courses.
Surprisingly, EJ handled himself with great aplomb. When asked what the biggest challenge might be, EJ admitted to his disorganization. Disorganization in classes is an indicator that a student will not do well, especially college-level classes in which a student is expected to work with little prompting from the professor. Considering EJ’s other disabilities, he certainly had his work cut out for him. But he was tenacious, explaining to Dr. Arendt, “My future career goals are ambitious. I intend to go to Yale University and pursue a science degree—either chemistry or psychology. I’ll work my hardest, study and apply myself.â€
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February 8, 2012
Autism. In recent years, the word has attracted considerable attention, often relating to children with autism. What about adolescents and adults who have been diagnosed with a condition on the autism spectrum, which includes Autistic Disorder, Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified, and Asperger’s Disorder? Can they be productive, successful employees?
Yes, and in fact they are often valuable and loyal employees if their strengths are recognized and they are given the opportunity to demonstrate their skills. Very often, people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) are honest, dedicated, and detail oriented. They may have a unique sense of humor, thrive on routine, are able to persevere on challenges, possess a creative perspective, and are often experts in their area of interest. On the right job, with the right support, people on the spectrum have the potential to be successful at work.
When they experience difficulty in the workplace, it is most often because a person on the autism spectrum is vulnerable to difficulties with social interactions, transitions, abstract thinking, planning, organization, time management, and working in teams. Some may struggle with being flexible, and have a need for structure, repetition, clear and concrete guidelines, and an understanding supervisor.
In some cases, these challenges can be addressed by workplace accommodations. In other cases, though, the person with ASD needs help to develop a set of skills that will facilitate a more successful venture into employment. Out of recognition of their needs, as well as an increase in the number of people diagnosed with autism over the past 10 years, programs and services specifically designed to meet the employment needs of people on the spectrum are beginning to emerge.
People with ASDs have a wide range of skills and deficits. Programs, therefore, tailor their services to the needs of the individuals whom they assist to target skill deficits and maximize their ability to obtain and retain gainful employment and do so with the greatest level of independence possible. These services often include skill instruction in social interactions, self-advocacy, job search, applications, and interviewing. They may also offer job observation and on-the-job trials.
Although no definitive scientific evidence has been established to guide the development of these programs, some promising practices have been identified. If done well, these programs should foster self-awareness and self-esteem, teach new skills while reinforcing those previously learned, make social rules clear and concrete, teach simple scripts for common social interactions, reinforce social response attempts, and model skills learned.
For some participants, a greater emphasis may be placed on a higher level of direct supports and deliberate advocacy with employers. These might include the use of supported employment, where the person with ASD receives one-to-one support, on-the-job training from a representative of the program to learn their responsibilities as well as work place rules and expectations. These job coaches, as they are known, may also orchestrate relationships with supervisors and fellow workers to ensure that support is maintained if and when job coaching supports can be gradually faded to the point where the employee with ASD is independent at work just like anyone else.
JVS of MetroWest’s Career Center for individuals diagnosed with ASD offers a broad range of services specifically designed to meet the unique needs of people with autism who want to enter the workforce. Since March 2011, the Center has been serving adults on the autism spectrum, individually and in small group settings. The Center offers multiple sessions of weekly social skills, work readiness, and job search groups. Participants, as appropriate, rotate through simulated work stations which include business office, retail store, document imaging station, medical office, shipping and receiving department, and working in the cafe. Participants also visit employment sites to learn about the types of work available as well as to try out some of the job tasks.
Employer outreach, education, and involvement are integral to the Center’s activities; human resources specialists from local employers volunteer to conduct practice interviews with participants. Despite the communication and social skills challenges faced by many participants, JVS’ Career Center is demonstrating that when provided with the appropriate services, many individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders are able to perform work activities that lead to personal satisfaction, independence, and community integration.
For more information about JVS’ Career Center, contact Lauren A. Klein at 973-674-6330, ext 237, or Lklein@jvsnj.org.
Samantha J. Herrick, PhD, CRC, NCC, is assistant professor for the Department of Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Counseling Professions at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey.
MetroWest ABLE
MetroWest ABLE (Access, Belonging, and Life Enrichment for People and Families with Special Needs) is the community’s network of agencies and community leaders that serve and advocate for individuals with special needs and their families. MetroWest ABLE makes connections within our Jewish community to raise awareness and support meaningful inclusion of people with special needs and their families in every aspect of Jewish life in MetroWest. MetroWest ABLE is funded by the UJA Campaign, the Linda Bunis Haller Foundation, and The Healthcare Foundation of New Jersey. For more information, contact Rebecca Wanatick, community coordinator at 973-929-3129 or rwanatick@ujcnj.org or visit www.metrowestABLE.org.
Seth Mnookin
Lecturer, The Graduate Program in Science Writing, M.I.T.; Author, ‘The Panic Virus’
Note: This is the second part of a feature that began two days ago on the Public Library of Science. The introduction to both parts is identical.
It’s been almost four years since I began work researching and reporting on autism. The bulk of that work was focused on my book The Panic Virus, which examines the spurious fears over a connection between vaccines and autism. (There’s more information about the book, including a summary and links to reviews, on my website.)Â The Panic Virus was released in hardcover last January, and over the past twelve months, I’ve learned enough — about human nature, about fears and prejudices, about rationality and superstition and medical ethics and public health — to write several more books. (I’ve also learned first-hand about the anxiety and uncertainty that comes with being a parent: In December, my wife gave birth to our second child.) I incorporated a very small amount of this new information into an afterword that is included in the paperback edition, which was released a few weeks ago.
One thing I did not get to address is how dramatically my own conception of autism has evolved. Human beings have a fundamental need to classify and label; it’s one of the most basic ways we make sense of the world around us. Because “autism” is a medical diagnosis, it might seem, at first blush, to be an immutable definition — but as anyone who has looked at the issue knows, this is most definitely not the case. Just last week, The New York Times made a huge splash with a front-page story detailing how changes in the “official” definition of autism in an upcoming edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) could dramatically reduce the number of people being diagnosed with autism or “autism spectrum disorders” like Aspergers syndrome.
I asked some of the people who’ve influenced my thinking about all of these issues to collaborate on a virtual roundtable. This conversation, which took place before the Times story on the DSM, is open-ended and free-ranging. The participants, in alphabetical order:
Shannon Des Roches Rosa — Shannon is one of the powerhouses behind the invaluable website The Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism; last month, Shannon and her collaborators released an incredible book by the same name.
Todd Drezner — Todd is a New York filmmaker whose most recent work is Loving Lampposts, an incredible documentary about his son. You can see a trailer for the movie, read reviews, and learn more about the film on its website.
John Elder Robison — John is a bestselling author who has written two excellent memoirs about living with Aspergers: Look Me In the Eye and Be Different.
Ari Ne’eman — Ari is an autism rights advocate and the co-founder of the Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN). In 2009, President Obama appointed him to the National Council on Disability; he is the first person on the autism spectrum to serve on the Council. The ASAN is currently working on publishing it’s “first and foundational” anthology, which will be titled Loud Hands: Autistic People, Speaking.
Steve Silberman — In addition to being one of the country’s best science writers, Steve is one of my all-time favorite people. (He also shares my love of the Grateful Dead and has his own PLoS blog, NeuroTribes.) He’s currently working on a book about the history of the autism diagnosis and neurodiversity.
What follows below is the second half of a lightly edited transcript of our conversation; the first half can be found here, on my blog at the Public Library of Science.
Ari: Please do excuse my delay, Seth – I’ve just finished attending the National Disability Leadership Alliance‘s Annual Planning Retreat. NDLA is a very unique version of something that is very common in Washington, DC – it is an advocacy coalition of national organizations which lobby to influence public policy, with a twist: it is controlled by a Steering Committee limited to national groups run by and for people with disabilities. ASAN serves alongside groups like the National Federation of the Blind, Little People of America, the National Association of the Deaf, the American Association of People with Disabilities and many others. Participating in NDLA is frequently a great opportunity to learn something new from those with backgrounds different from oneself – but more often than not, it gives one a chance to learn about how similar the experiences of people with different disabilities are.
Looking around the table during our two day discussion, we heard people talking about a shared narrative of marginalization, segregation and exclusion from the mainstream of American life. Whether it was ADAPT’s work fighting against institutionalization, the National Federation of the Blind’s work to ensure accessibility in consumer devices such as the Kindle and iPhone, Little People of America’s effort to fight against the repeal of Florida’s ban on dwarf-tossing or our own activities on topics like community participation in research, we felt like there was a common thread going across all of our issues. On topics like closing sheltered workshops and enhancing employment opportunities, we could all mobilize confident that every organization had a stake in the outcome – but what is exciting to me is that we are seeing a growing consensus that we can mobilize even on topics that impact only one part of the community.
When ASAN was running our campaign against the NYU Child Study Center’s Ransom Notes ads, I’ll always remember calling up Bob Kafka, one of ADAPT’s lead organizers, to ask him for the organization’s support. I had never spoken to him before and wasn’t sure how likely it was we’d get support from a group with such a long and illustrious history, given that we were at the time largely unknown. I briefly explained what was happening – we were a small group of Autistic adults agitating against a public relations campaign by NYU, a major research university, that depicted autistic children and those with other disabilities as kidnap victims, objects of pity and disgust. Before I could launch into our pre-written script about why this was a problem, Bob cut me off – “We know all about that sort of thing. They do this to us all the time – you’re an organization run by people with disabilities, and you’re fighting for the same things we fight for. You’ll have our support.” And, we did – on that and any number of other controversial topics emerging from the autism world, ranging from our work against Autism Speaks to battling against CDC’s proposed wandering code, groups like NCIL, ADAPT, AAPD and many others stood beside us, even when others in the autism community wouldn’t.
I’m raising this not just because I’m a big believer in cross-disability solidarity – though I am. I bring it up because I think we have a tremendous amount to learn from the larger disability world, and I fear this is something that autism does not do a very good job of. No one who had absorbed the lessons of Willowbrook and Pennhurst would think it was a good idea to build special “Gated Communities” to house autistic adults and others with intellectual and developmental disabilities. No one who knows the history of the Jerry Lewis telethon and the objections made by people with muscular dystrophy to being portrayed as pitiful, “half-people” by its star would ever conceive of something like the “I Am Autism” video. No one who knew the names Ed Roberts, Judy Heumann or Justin Dart and the history of all they accomplished for people with disabilities would ever doubt the meaning and importance of self-advocacy by and for us, instead of on our behalf. Yet, these are not things we think about or have even heard of in the autism world.
Let me close by posing a question to the rest of you: What ambitious goal do you think we could set for the autism community for the next decade? In the next ten years, if we all get our acts together and decide to learn from the lesson of the larger disability rights community, what change could we make in the lives of Autistic people and our families? Let’s be ambitious – consider how extraordinary the progress of the previous decade has been. At the same time, we can and should be strategic in how we set out to achieve those goals. Change has never happened overnight and it will always face plentiful challenges and detractors. Yet, I believe that if we break free of the narrow context of the autism community’s own “way things are,” we are going to find that together we can achieve extraordinary things. Todd, John, Seth, Shannon, Steve, what do you think they might be?
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